The Role of Symbolism in "The Machine Stops"

is a narrative that explains events resembling two different types of religion. It is concerned mainly with the faith practiced by different people. The book describes the people as those who live in isolation and cannot bear living on the earth`s surface thus they live on the ground one. The main theme of this story is religion. Different types of symbolism have been used in the narrative. For instance, the machine is used to symbolize an element of worship. Another symbol used is homelessness to illustrate death.  According to the book, traveling is restricted and can be done at specific times. Communication is done through a means similar to video calling named the `speaking apparatus` where the two different people talking can see each other. The means of communication is used to share ideas and knowledge as shown by the interaction between Vashti and her son Kuno. There are two main characters in this narrative: Vashti and her son Kuno. They live in two different locations, and they communicate mainly using the speaking apparatus. Vashti believes in the machine and does everything according to the book of this. On the other hand, Kuno is rebellious of the machine and tries to convince his mother to stop believing it, but she declines. He accuses her of beginning to worship the machine. The use of symbolism in the story helps us understand the meaning and plot of the book (Forster).

A contemporary hero is an individual who is believed to possess divine powers and is believed to be god-like. They are mostly warriors with unique strength and courage. On the other hand, a classical warrior is an individual considered to be normal people but those with possession of a great talent.  The contemporary heroes are different in that they have divine powers as compared to classical heroes who possess special talent. Contemporary heroes are also believed to be supreme and not like normal beings.

In this narrative, Kuno can be described as a contemporary hero. He is described as a rebel to the machine, and he strives to find an alternative at the earth`s surface. Kuno has doubted the ways of his society which his mother believes in. He has also doubted the machine and its work. Kuno speaks to her mother through the speaking apparatus and requests her to visit him. He says the things he can explain what he has to her face to face. Once she arrives, Kuno describes his visit to the earth`s surface without being approved and that he faces death.

Kuno explains the events that occurred during his visit which included surviving without the life support machine. It brings out the heroic nature of him since he dared to face the earth`s surface without the life support machine. He also explains how the spirit of the death accompanied him through his journey before the machine captured him. As a result of his experience at the earth`s surface, Kuno realizes that the machine has control over their lives. Also, he also realized that the humans created the machine contrary to his mother`s belief that the machine created the humans.

Kuno`s experience in his journey explained the events that occurred in the underground. The people came up with a religion which they believe in the machine. The people lose the understanding of the origin of the machine. They fail to understand that the humans are the creators of the machine. The believers of the machine also prioritized the needs of the machine rather than their own needs. Original ideas are also not taken into consideration since they are believed to be nonexistent and that, first-hand ideas do not exist. Those who doubted the machine are threatened with homelessness which is death.

Vashti does not take into consideration Kuno`s story, and she returns to her Cell. After a while, Kuno is brought to a cell near Vashti`s cell. At this time, Vashti still worships the machine and continues with her normal life. One day, Kuno believes that the machine malfunctions and stops working. He calls her mother and tells her, the machine stops. Vashti does not believe this, and she laughs and gets angry at Kuno`s predictions. She goes on and continues with her daily routine. After some time, the music starts to have trouble playing, and the bed does not appear when it is summoned. The problems persist, and they become worse daily.

At last, the machine stops functioning as per Kuno`s predictions. He tells her mother to have the hope since there were people on the surface and that he has seen and talked to them and that they will bring back civilization. She then realizes that believing in the machine`s superiority was her mistake. Eventually, Kuno and his mother Vashti die along with other people of the society. At this point, Kuno is seen as a contemporary hero since he can predict future events which come to pass.

Works Cited

Forster, E M. The Machine Stops. , 1901. Oxford and Cambridge Review

Machine Stops Summary

“The Machine Stops” Analysis

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