The Lottery in Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

Analysis of "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson by Shirley Jackson is unique as it starts introducing the village lottery day thus making the reader believe that it is a positive thing. However, it turns out to be the irony. While reading the narrative, I was excited to see who wins the lottery. However, I realized that it was one where people were going to sacrifice from the village that year for them to win (Jackson p, 1). The author, however, does a good job using different themes to make the reader understand the lesson from the reality itself. Therefore, the story is a physical representation of the society and humanity in the contemporary world.

The Cruelty and Violence in Humanity

Shirley reveals that most people pretend not to see cruelty and violence. However, humanity does not always seem kind, meaning that humans can be fierce creatures (Jackson 7). From the short story, people of the village gather and conduct a ceremony out of the lottery with the aim of deciding who is going to be killed. In another case, Jackson uses the sense of man versus society to show that the community can accept some things that others do not agree with even though some may be immoral. Nevertheless, the society tends to take the unethical (Jackson 6). I find this story as an eye opener since it shows the reader that standing up for what one believes in is paramount and can, therefore, differentiate between good and evil.

The Evils in Society

In my opinion, this narrative is a way of demonstrating everyone's weaknesses but most importantly the underlying evils in the society. Even in today's community people tend to follow what is done by others and not precisely what they believe. Thus, depending on the evils that are in existence.

Work Cited

Jackson, Shirley. "The lottery." The New Yorker 26 (1948)

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