The incorporation of technology in the education system

Most educational institutions around the world make substantial use of technology in the education system. Learning businesses are investing in digitized learning resources to improve various learning methodologies. The availability of computers to students facilitates the research process, resulting in the most up-to-date knowledge. Students face numerous learning obstacles as a result of their inability to access technology.
Due to the limitations of traditional textbook use, students' autonomy over their learning process is limited due to a lack of technology. The kids' educational leadership prevents strong decision-making abilities, which are critical in life.
Professionally, students that have technology issues suffer. Technology allows pupils to deal with the usual irritation and misunderstanding that comes with technological advances (Bitner, 2002). Inaccessibility of technology prompts poor decision-making criteria and struggle in coping with their professional expectation. The technological changes occur daily: educational technology prepares the students for future professions. Currently, all aspects of life depend on the continuous technological advancements. Technology dictates the manner in which students socialize and connect with the world outside the class.

The availability of technology enhances creativity and innovation through useful applications, such as raspberry. The knowledge and skills enable the student to thrive in the competitive world of the job market (Mims-Word, 2012). Learning institutions should ensure adequate students’ accessibility to technology to ensure proper career development.

The use of technology in science instruction is a technique used to sustain the science education development. The configuration of science instruction with the technology standards can be done using an instrument meant to evaluate the technology standards incorporated into science teaching. According to the Campbell & Abd-Hamid (2017), the instrument consists of five main developmental stages. The first stage involves the creation of the five necessary elements of science education culture. Secondly, the establishment of legitimate content that concerns the state and international content experts. The third stage entails refinement of the elements according to the professional criticism. The fourth stage involves preliminary testing of the elements and finally reliability evaluation (Campbell & Abd-Hamid, 2017). The study illustrated that out of the thirty ratings, twenty-six involved correct alignment to the initial stages of development from seven classes’ evaluation. The case study illustrated that the technique is viable for science instruction correlation to technology standards. The instrument monitors the level of technology integrated into science teachings hence aligning the science instruction with the technology standards.


Bitner, N., & Bitner, J. (2002). Integrating technology into the classroom: Eight keys to success. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(1), 95-100.

Campbell, T. & Abd-Hamid, N. (2017). Technology use in science instruction (TUSI): Aligning the integration of technology in science instruction in ways supportive of science education reform. Retrieved from

Mims-Word, M. (2012). The importance of technology usage in the classroom: does gender gaps exist? Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online), 5(4), 271. Retrieved from

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