These are newly noteworthy facts or information probably not known to the target audience. Stories that make the news are mostly recent and captious to the recipients. News can be conveyed through different media like word of mouth, postal, broadcasting, electronic systems, and testimonies from observers or eyewitnesses in events. Usual topics reported in the news include health, politics, fashion, business, entertainment, war, sports, and others. Government announcements regarding public events, taxes, criminals, laws, and others have always been referred as news since time in memorial. Humans have a liking for learning and sharing news that form a basis of discussions when people are together. It is the news that forms the basis of opinions (Gunther "Cindy p.56)
This is a viewpoint or discernment about something not certainly anchored on facts or understanding. An opinion is based on personal belief and deductions that must not be ascertained with evidence. For example, ‘winter evenings are nicer than summer evenings’. That is just an opinion reflecting the belief of the person saying the words. In fact, to someone else, summer could be better than winter. Various individuals may draw contrasting conclusions even if they unite in some given facts. Facts can be differentiated from opinions in the premise that they are verifiable. In most cases, terms like, ‘I think’ preceded opinions. Others include comparatives, adjectives and superlatives like ‘good’, ‘better’, ‘the best’ and others. Normative analysis is the occurrence where a philosopher or social scientist give their personal opinions. (Gunther "Cindy p.75), (Gunther "Storey p. 178-183)
It is the available information in support of a proposition. The support put across might be enormous or minute but it is the strongest proof that brings out the truth of an assertion. Evidence can be said to be circumstantial if it is not consistent with the proposition or simply contradicts it. In scientific evidence, there are experimental results from observations that reject, support or adjust a scientific theory. Philosophy ties evidence closely too epistemology that checks on nature of knowledge and its acquisition (Iyengar and Donald p.67)
These are the reasoning steps starting with premises then drawing the conclusions. They are divided into induction, deduction and abduction. Induction inference lead to a universal conclusion from the given premises, deduction inference utilize logic while abduction suggests inference best explained (Iyengar " Donald p.69)
Quality and credibility of information sources.
Information sources may either be primary or secondary. Primary sources mainly compose data that is firsthand meaning is original and unedited. Secondary data refer to material that is both revised and derived conclusions. Regarding secondary information, not all data is created the same. In order to discern its appropriateness, a CRRAP test is performed; currency, reliability, authority, accuracy and purpose of the information (Targwoski p.66-67)
Differences in media bias and audience bias.
Media bias- it is perceived prejudice by the journalists and newsmakers where they chose the stories and events to appear in the mass media and how they are covered. This is usually a breach of the journalism standards. Anything reported by media should be coherent but sometimes influence from the government, ownership of the media houses, staff selection, targeted audience preferences and compulsion from advertisers lead to channeling of partial information (Targwoski p.70). Audience bias is when the media consumers prefer some information in the media that support their ideology instead of the truth. The audience may be a cluster that is uniquely identifying itself with particular media that supports their identity (Targwoski p.66).
Multiple global forces that shape our understanding of aesthetics, values, and authority. Accountability- holding oneself and others according to the given ethics that arise from preconceived values in order to account for the behavior one portrays. Control- being in a position to command administrative roles in an organizational setup. Self-worth is the understanding that those you know and cherish also know you and can accord their respect to you too. Curiosity- to have a feel and touch of the tangible world filled with awe. It is the urge to seek earth personally. Generosity- the willingness to share one's personal abilities and gifts with others without expecting payments but for humanity (Heelas " Scott p.67)
Work Cited
Gunther, Albert C, and Cindy T. Christen. "Projection or Persuasive Press? Contrary Effects of Personal Opinion and Perceived News Coverage on Estimates of Public Opinion." Journal of Communication. 52.1 (2002): 177-195. Print.
Gunther, Albert C, and J D. Storey. "The Influence of Presumed Influence." Journal of Communication. 53.2 (2003): 199-215. Print.
Heelas, Paul, Scott Lash, and Paul M. Morris. Detraditionalization: Critical Reflections on Authority and Identity. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: Blackwell, 1996. Print.
Iyengar, Shanto, and Donald R. Kinder. News That Matters: Television and American Opinion. Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press, 2010. Print.
Targowski, Andrew. "The Evolution from Data to Wisdom in Decision-Making at the Level of Real and Virtual Networks." (2009). Print.