The Importance of Indigenous Languages in Literature

Armstrong, Jeannette. "Land speaking." Introduction to Indigenous Literary Criticism in Canada (2015): 145.

In the story, Armstrong Jeannette has effectively educated and empowered the Aboriginal people on the importance of using their historical or indigenous language and culture despite the rising level through which the residential school system has changed the Indigenous language knowledge and application. The story enhances learning about how people learn the land language; retain it and how the indigenous language is significant in the local culture. From the text, I can understand the original literature and gain an understanding of the quality of the indigenous languages.

Kovach, Margaret. "Emerging from the margins: Indigenous methodologies." Research as resistance: revisiting critical, Indigenous, and anti-oppressive approaches (2015): 43.

Margaret who is an author argues about the connection between the Indigenous population in Canada and their land. This source is useful in this essay in understanding the importance of indigenous languages. I learned that despite the present changes in education, people still retain their culture.

Sium, Aman, and Eric Ritskes. "Speaking truth to power: Indigenous storytelling as an act of living resistance." Decolonization: indigeneity, education " Society 2.1 (2013).

Sium and Ritskes are historical researchers. In the article, their main argument is about how indigenous share their pain and struggle in their indigenous land. The source helps in composing my essay through information about indigenous people and their nations. I learned the difference between speaking and acting culturally.


Which Indigenous languages are used in Canada today and what is their value to the Aboriginal people? This story reveals the specific indigenous languages used today in Canada including such as Okanagan and their importance in the Aboriginal literature. For instance, Armstrong says that "Indigenous writers today located in their specific communities in their ability to retell stories replete with their sociocultural philosophies forge an identity which has a long and cherished lineage.” This research reveals the value of indigenous languages in the literature in the retention of the indigenous culture.

The story identifies that languages like Okanagan enable children to know the truth concerning their ancestry while the research shows that in the current Canadian society, people use the indigenous word at a very minimal level. The idea that I have not managed to address in the research and covered in the story is about the search for a person who would talk in specific indigenous languages.

In conclusion, the story suggests that indigenous languages enhance the value of the Aboriginal literature. The argument is supported by Armstrong's story, which is based on auto-translation and corroborated by the research material which agrees in the importance of retaining the land language.

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