The Impact of Transformational Leadership Style on Organizational Performance

In my view, leaders’ understanding of the employees’ culture and identity is crucial in implementing organization vision and influencing the employees’ commitment to the said vision. Transformational leadership style affects positively managers’ understanding of the employees’ culture since it serves to enhance morale of the followers through a set of mechanism (Bass " Riggio, 2006). For instance, the leadership style help align the followers’ identity to the collective organization identity.

Discussion post 2

I agree with lester assertion on the impact leaders have on the organization performance. A great leader is able to influence his/her followers to achieve a common goal through motivation and establishing organization value. Steve Job is a good example of a charismatic business leader who used his wits and persuasiveness to back his organization strategy. He brilliantly used figurative language to put emphasis on his message and this greatly influenced the performance of Apple Inc. According to Zehir et al (2014), charismatic leaders use their persuasive ability to inspire their followers/employees and promote employee engagement. This in turn, lowers employees’ turnover as evidenced in Apple Company.

Discussion post 3

I agree with leslie on craving recurring years after a recovering addicts leaves a treatment center. An individual may develop cravings for a drug that he/she was addicted to when he/she is exposed to certain cues that might remind him/her of her dark days. There are a number of strategies that can help a recovering addict cope with the urges. However, I tend to disagree with Leslie notion on using music to control cravings. In my opinion, music can trigger certain unpleasant memories and thus lead to a relapse. As alluded by Simpkins " Simpkins (2013), research has found music to be among the cues that can induce craving and cause a recovering addict to relapse. This is mostly apparent among alcoholics. Music can make a person revive dark memories when he/she sought solace in drugs. This is because music is an expressive art that can spark unwanted emotions that if left unchecked can cause a relapse.


Bass, B. M., " Riggio, R. E. (2006). Transformational leadership. Psychology Press.

Simpkins, C. A., " Simpkins, A. M. (2013). Recovering from Addiction. In Neuroscience for    Clinicians (pp. 305-318). Springer, New York, NY.

Zehir, C., Müceldili, B., Altindağ, E., Şehitoğlu, Y., " Zehir, S. (2014). Charismatic leadership                   and     organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating role of ethical climate. Social            Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 42(8), 1365-1375.

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