The Impact of Technology on Our Modern Lives

About four decades ago

One had to be a computer scientist to be in the world of computing and use various technologies competently. But technology has permeated almost every aspect nowadays. If you are an architect or engineer you are probably using technology. Doctors and nurses are also utilising technology today. Moreover, business people are unquestionably using a vast variety of techniques. Teachers are integrating technology in traditional classrooms. At home, children and their parents tune onto Television, Internet or social media to get news, information, and even entertainment. Eventually, this expository essay describes how technology has had a positive impact on our modern lives with a focus on business, learning, communication, transportation, and health.

Improved communication

Improved communication is perhaps the most positive impact technology has had on our modern business and social lives. The rapid advancement in technology has spurred innovation of new methods of electronic communication, such as mobile phones, e-mail, video conferencing, voicemails, instant messaging, and social networking sites (Herring and Androutsopoulos, 2015). These advanced communication methods and devices have enabled people to eliminate time and distance obstacles to effective communication (Herring and Androutsopoulos, 2015). The ability to interact effectively and in real-time has numerous benefits not only to our relationships but also our businesses, education, healthcare, and other areas of our modern lives. For example, social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have enabled us to stay in touch with our family members, friends, and colleagues. Equally, managers can use e-mail, video calls, voicemail, and video conferencing tools to instantly communicate with their employees, business partners, investors, suppliers, and other stakeholders. The ability to immediately interact with people from almost anywhere around the world clearly shows how technology has improved our modern lives.

Enhanced learning

Secondly, technology has enhanced learning incredibly. Most importantly, technology has promoted blended learning which integrates traditional, face-to-face education with online learning (McCutcheon et al., 2015). These two forms of studying complement one another and provide learners with an opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds. For example, students can attend classes in a real-world classroom and then complete online multimedia coursework. With innovations such as learning management systems, computers, smart phones, and the Internet, students can now access lesson plans, course materials, assignment data, feedback, podcasts, and multimedia such as YouTube videos online. For example, students can access and share lesson plans, presentations, instructor feedback, and samples with their peers easily through their smart phones or iPad. Also, students can hold group discussions over the Internet; thus, eliminate the need to attend class once a week physically.

Enhanced access to education

Furthermore, technology has enhanced access to education. Today, there exist numerous books, research articles, audio-visual materials, and online programs that are available through the Internet which people can use to advance their knowledge. The integration of advanced technologies such as Podcasts, online tutorials, PowerPoint presentations, and multimedia (audio-visual) materials create an enriched learning experience that not only make learning fun but also increase their engagement, understanding, and motivation to study (McCutcheon et al., 2015). Today, an individual can learn at any time and from any place in the world thanks to the increased access to e-learning.

Positive impact on travel and transportation

Thirdly, the advancement in technology has positively impacted travel and transportation in our modern lives. In particular, modern transportation has made it easier for people to travel across the world. Before the invention of superfast airplanes, high-speed trains, and modern cars, going to long distances was almost impossible. Because transport is an important part of our modern lives, advances in technology have continuously been working on making it more comfortable, faster, and cheaper. Indeed, I just cannot imagine life without modern means of transport such as cars, trains, and airplanes. Wang, Chou, and Wu (2010) use the example of the impact of the Taiwan high-speed rail on tourism-related industries to paint a clear picture of the positive effects of technology on our modern travel. The researchers point out that “With the establishment of HSR, vast changes in the travel style of tourists have occurred, requiring changes in the operation of tourism-related businesses such as tour operators, travel agencies, domestic aviation, as well as in tourism destinations” (Wang, Chou, and Wu, 2010).

Enhanced quality of healthcare

Lastly, technology has enhanced the quality of healthcare. Many healthcare organisations today are increasingly adopting modern technology to improve the condition and efficacy of care. For example, many hospitals have implemented electronic health records and computerised physician order entry (CPOE) to reduce the mistakes made by doctors. Research shows that CPOE has modernised the medical practice by promoting patient quality and quality improvement (Khanna and Yen, 2014). Equally, the advent of online doctors has increased access to healthcare. Telehealth is perhaps one of the most amazing ways that technology has modernised health care. Additionally, phones and computers have allowed patients and their families to schedule appointments with their physicians easily, monitor their vital signs such as body weight, heart rate, and blood pressure at any time and any place. On top of that, the Internet has become a significant source of information about health and overall wellbeing.

In summary

There is no doubt that technology has had an unprecedentedly positive impact on our modern lives. Technology has enabled us to reach at work on time, fly long distance, study on our computers, communicate through our phones, connect on social media, and even cook with microwaves. In a way, technology has become part of our modern lives by improving the way we attend to our routine tasks.


Herring, S.C. and Androutsopoulos, J., 2015. Computer-mediated discourse 2.0. The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 2, pp.127-151.

Khanna, R. and Yen, T., 2014. Computerised physician order entry: promise, perils, and experience. The Neurohospitalist, 4(1), pp.26-33.

McCutcheon, K., Lohan, M., Traynor, M. and Martin, D., 2015. A systematic review evaluating the impact of online or blended learning vs. face‐to‐face learning of clinical skills in undergraduate nurse education. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(2), pp.255-270.

Wang, W.C., Chou, L.S. and Wu, C.C., 2010. Impacts of new transportation technology on tourism-related industries—the Taiwan High Speed Rail. World Leisure Journal, 52(1), pp.14-19.

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