The Impact of English Class on My Writing Skills

My decision to take the English class

My decision to take the English class had a significant impact on my writing skills during the entire period. At first, I would have argued that my skills were perfect, but after my time in the English class, I eventually understood that my initial skills were not good as I thought. As a result, the essay aims at displaying how the English class served great importance to the development of my writing skills.

Gaining knowledge on documenting sources

From the English class, I gained knowledge on documenting sources when citing and referencing them. Initially, I had no sufficient understanding of the various formats used in writing. Currently, I am familiar with the APA, MLA and Harvard writing formats just to mention a few. I have also gained a better understanding of how to apply past research by different scholars to come up with a cogent argument based on the topic of focus.

Improvement in presenting information and avoiding plagiarism

Another reason why I appreciate the English class I have been attending is because I have developed immensely on how I can present my information without worrying about the issue of plagiarism. My recent comments from my lecturer regarding plagiarism show a positive trend with each test proving to have better outcomes compared to the previous one.

Enhanced ability to present findings and formulate arguments

With the knowledge gained from the English class, it has improved my ability to present findings that I obtain from extensive readings and research. I have also understood that all results obtained have to be related to the topic of study and can even be displayed in a graphical presentation to enhance understanding.

Improvement in reading and writing skills through argument formulation

Moreover, the English class enhanced my reading and writing skills within the discipline through the formulation of an argument. I have come to an understanding that any discussion presented has to begin with an introduction that introduces the point of contention after which a thesis statement that emphasizes on what the argument is to entail. The body then comes next which is supported by different studies. Lastly, a conclusion that provides a standing point concerning the discussion and provides recommendations on the way forward.

Enhanced reading and writing skills through persuasion and development of ideas

My reading and writing skills were further enhanced through the knowledge on how to use persuasion in a written argument. Through a combination of styles, I can make good persuasions with the support of past studies. Additionally, I can relate an argument to a theory which further enhances the outcome of the discussion. Likewise, the development and elaboration of ideas is also another way in which my reading and writing skills have been enhanced through the English class. I can systematically prioritize my thoughts.

Recognition and correction of grammatical errors

In addition, the English class has had an enormous impact on my ability to recognize and correct grammatical errors at both the sentence and paragraph level. After working on my essays, I can quickly identify the grammatical errors that come about due to wrong sentence structures. In fact, my research papers have been near perfection or also almost impeccable after taking the English class. Therefore, there is no doubt that taking this English class has transformed my writing skills tremendously.

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