The Graduate Actors and Actresses

The Graduate

The Graduate has become one of the most acclaimed films of the decade. The film is filled with memorable scenes featuring Katharine Ross, Woody Harrelson, and Dustin Hoffman. It is a surprisingly moving drama, with a strong message. But before you can fully appreciate this film, you need to know more about its characters. This article will discuss the actors and actresses who are featured in the film. Let's start with the cast.

Dustin Hoffman

The graduate is a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, and it has been regarded as one of the most successful movies of all time. The story revolves around Benjamin Braddock, who has just graduated from college. As he tries to escape the questions that plague him, he is seduced by a housewife named Mrs. Robinson, who is a good friend of his parents. Benjamin's parents had once made him promise to stay away from Elaine, their daughter.

Although Dustin Hoffman was born in Los Angeles, he originally planned to study medicine. He then joined the Pasadena Playhouse and moved to New York City, where he lived with Robert Duvall and Gene Hackman. He went on to work in off-Broadway plays and got his big break in The Graduate, opposite Anne Bancroft. From there, his career took off. He was nominated for an Academy Award for his role in the film and began landing leading roles.

Anne Bancroft

This charming novella is set in the 1960s and is one of the best loved novels of Anne Bancroft. The story centers on Benjamin Braddock, a young man who has recently finished college. He is trying to avoid asking himself some questions about life when he gets seduced by the housewife, Mrs. Robinson. She is a friend of his parents and was forced to keep Benjamin away from her daughter Elaine by his mother. But the seduction is more than just physical.

In the 1960s, Bancroft began her career as a movie star. Though she never made much money at the box office, she was cast in several leading roles. Her role in the 1964 film The Pumpkin Eater earned her a second Best Actress nomination, and she later portrayed a suicide victim in The Slender Thread. She also replaced Patricia Neal in the film Seven Women, which was a critical flop.

Katharine Ross

Katharine Juliet Ross is an American actress. She has received several awards including an Academy Award nomination, a BAFTA Award, and two Golden Globe Awards. Born in Los Angeles, Ross spent most of her early years in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her films include "The Graduate" and "The Color Purple."

Before making her name in films, Ross appeared on stage and on television. Her feature film debut was "Shenandoah" in 1965. Other notable roles include comedies, dramas, and psychological thrillers. Ross became a household name after starring in Mike Nichols' The Graduate (1967), for which she won the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year. She also won several major awards, including the Academy Award and BAFTA Award for Best Actress.

Woody Harrelson

The film starts off with a scene where Woody catches his wife Laura at a restaurant, only to be confronted by the front page of a tabloid. The film's climax is a spectacular, unconvincing finale with Woody in jail, after having been caught in a scandal involving his wife. However, the film does have some incredibly moving moments, including the one in which Woody is photographed kissing a prostitute.

The film was a huge success, earning the director's Oscar nomination for his work. Before The Graduate, Harrelson had a successful career as a bartender on the hit NBC sitcom Cheers. In the same year, he was also a convicted contract killer and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Federal Judge John H. Wood Jr., which took place in San Antonio in 1979. Harrelson died in a prison in 2007 after completing his sentence.

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