The Environment and Energy

The Impact of Electricity Consumption on the Political and Regulatory Environments

The topic of electricity consumption and its environmental consequences continues to have an impact on the political and regulatory environments. There are a variety of concerns that continue to affect energy consumption and environmental regulations.

Obama Administration's Failures and Partisan Climate Change Policies

According to Whitman (par.1), the Obama administration failed in certain areas, such as rushing through a large piece of legislation without the public's consent or the approval of members of the opposition. The regime's effort to enforce climate change policies through the back door compounded the harm. This made the issue become partisan such that even the Republicans who believed in climate change and intention on working to address it rejected any more discussion. The government needs to end the back and forth antagonism between successive administrations. Whitman further posits that all Americans, both democrats and Republicans care about environmental matters and, therefore, the Republicans in Congress and the ruling administration need to address climate change and assume other steps of environmental protection (par.3).

State's Purview of Environmental Regulation

According to Mr. Pruitt, Obama's administration is criticized for its leadership at the environmental protection agency in areas of tackling climate change and protecting water and air (Davenport par. 1). There are instances in which the agency showed dissatisfaction with the tools Congress had handed to it to resolve particular issues. Instead, the congress applied its own tools and powers through law-making. According to Mr. Pruitt, going forward, the view of environmental regulation should be the states' purview.

Trump's Preferences and Environmental Investments

The president- Donald Trump has stated that he prefers coal in his energy plan and wishes to close federal support to the sector of clean energy. The strategy still makes sense to invest in alternative sources of power such as wind and solar (Sullivan par.1). Therefore, investors in the environment sector need to ensure that passions for innovation and change or anger at environmental legislations, which favor nonrenewable energy sources, do not block decent investment assessments.

The Role of States in Environmental Conservation and Fossil Fuel Management

To sum up, these articles suggest that the input of both sides of the political divide need to come together in matters affecting the environment and energy use. Ultimately, states have a critical role to play in environmental conservation and the management of fossil fuels.

Work Cited

Davenport, Coral. “Scott Pruitt, testifying to lead E.P.A., criticizes environmental rules.”The New York Times.18 Jan 2017. Web. 21 Jan. 2017.

Sullivan, Paul. “Trump may not like alternative energy, but investors should.” The New York Times.6 Jan. 2017. Web. 21 Jan. 2017.

Whitman, Christine. “Obama put climate on the map.” U.S. News.19 Jan. 2017.Web. 21 Jan. 2017.

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