Terrorism- al shabab

Terrorism has been a major threat to most governments' security. Al Shabaab is a terrorist organization based primarily in Somalia. The terror organization formed as a result of a lengthy history of religious fervor, resistance to colonialism, and progressive efforts to bring order to a country that had previously been anarchic. Al Shabaab has grown as an Islamic militant group with terrorist tactics that extends beyond the African continent. The terror group's recent operations have forced it to be identified as a major danger to world security. Developed countries that are considered as super powers including the United States and the United Kingdom have noticed the increased threat posed by the Al Shabaab terror organization. Western security institutions and media have shed light on the threat posed by the Al Shabaab not only for the East African region but the entire world as well. In spite of the increasing activities, there has been no significant military deployment by the western powers including the United States and their allies. This paper will review the Al Shabaab as a representative of terroristic organisation and the possible ways to deal with organizations like this.

The fight of Somalia to secure a position in the world and the contemporary inadequacy of infrastructure has been contributing factors to the rise of the Al Shabaab. The development of new alliances, exposure to the media, and international recruitment by the al Shabaab will result in its eventual defeat for two major reasons. Firstly, increased exposure to the media will bring the group to the limelight, especially its terror attacks on innocent civilians; hence, overshadow any legitimacy that the organization may have enjoyed in the past. The fear and concern of Al Shabaab spreading its operations worldwide will cause western countries to mobilize to suppress it from becoming a major threat to them. Secondly, Al Shabaab can no longer be classified as a grassroots Somali organization; therefore, conflicts and factions within the group will occur between those who prefer a more localized focus and those advocating for a global expansion beyond the borders of Somalia. As evidenced by documented social movements and factions, the occurrence of dissidence with the leadership ranks often result in the implosion of the organization, a case that could apply to Al Shabaab in Somalia. Irrespective of the outcome, it is evident that the terror group has become a major threat to security for nations across the world. The continued terror attacks by the Al-Shabaab are premised on Islamic fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism that have made the group exposed to the world as a formidable threat that must be quashed before it grows to unmanageable proportions threatening the entire world.

Literature Review

The concepts of terrorism have been put forward by various theoretical works with an objective of providing a definitive description and explanation of factors that constitute terrorism. Various scholars have attempted to define terrorism in the context of various factors, issues and incidents. For instance, Enders and Sandler define terrorism as “the premeditated use or threat of use of extra-normal violence or brutality by sub-national groups to obtain political, religious or ideological objective through intimidation of a huge audience, usually not directly involved with the policy making that the terrorists seek to influence”. Further, Chomsky (2001) defines the acts of terrorism as “the use of coercive means aimed at populations in an effort to achieve political, religious or other aims.” Meanwhile, Chalk argues that terrorism in the “systematic use of illegitimate violence that is employed by sub-state actors as a means of achieving specific political objectives, these goals differ according to the group concerned.” It emerges that different scholars have different definitions of key attributes of terrorism; however, three commonalities can be identified that promote universal understanding and clarity on the dynamics of terrorism; violence, mass targets, and religious or political motivation. These aspects of terrorism can be examined in the perspective of rational choice theory.

The theory is essential in explicating the attitudes, beliefs, and behavior of individuals, whose actions are classified as terrorism, and governmental agencies that are progressively attempting to eliminate the vice. The rational choice theory is founded on the arguments that human beings are rational; therefore, they take time to consider the negative and positive outcomes of an action prior to its undertaking. Therefore, every action is carefully weighed against its merits and demerits. Though terrorists are often described as people who have lost their humanity or rational thinking, they are in fact human beings capable of empathy. However, their religious, political or philosophical convictions are strong such that they are willing to inflict pain and damage in order to realize their goals. Most terror groups including Al Shabaab and Al Qaeda are largely motivated by religious beliefs. Therefore, an examination of terrorists’ mindset and psyche is essential to determine what their key motivator is and how it influenced their life decisions. The application of rational choice theory can have significant impacts in understanding the issues that motivate the activities of the terror group, AL Shabaab.

The Al Shabaab terror group comes into the limelight in 2006, however, it is the September 2013 attack on the Nairobi Westgate Mall that brought the attention of the world where “39 people were killed and more than 150 wounded.” This was an attack that was rationally and carefully planned and executed; hence, bringing the terror group into the limelight and demonstrated their link with the Al Qaeda terrorist organization. Most literature has focused on the groups’ origins, especially Salafi fundamentalism and Somalia, or attempts at describing the methods that can be deployed to defeat the terror group. The development of a theoretical understanding of the Al Shabaab will provide a definitive grasp of the group’s perceptions and position on issues, such as political order. Little attention has been given to the group since it is often dismissed as an inconsequential player in the global dynamic. However, it is clear from recent activities that the terror group cannot be ignored and should be considered as a great threat not only to regional security but to global security as well. Al Shabaab has the potential to influence the international landscape through propagating ideologically and religiously motivated violence.

In the article, Somalia: Whose Country Is It, Anyway by Mary Harper, author provides a clear examination of Somalia’s ethnic background, delineating its oppressive history, tyrannical leaders, and the dynamics within which clans have fought together or against each other. The issues that have led to the development of an environment where radical Islamist groups can thrive, such as the Al Shabaab, are carefully pointed out. The author discusses the impacts of foreign intervention especially the argument that these were the antithesis of the Somali’s individualism and pride especially in their practices that are averse to external influence and interference of their nation. Though Harper provides a comprehensive historical examination of ethnic dynamics prevalent in Somalia including the country’s colonial history, she does not present a theoretical framework for Al Shabaab; therefore, there is an important part missing in her work as she attempted to identify al Shabaab in the interventionist and ethnic tensions that persist in Somalia. Realistically, she examined the challenges that Somalia faced especially when dealing with radical Islamism and intervention; however, she did not take an in-depth look at the various political classifications that he various groups or entities were attempting to impose on the country.

Similarly, Webersik examined the Somalia in the perspective of ethnic tensions that have pervaded the country as a result of attempted interventions. He argues that there is progressive strife in the country as a result of egalitarian nature of the ethnic population and its failure to keep abreast of the corruption that is entrenched in Somali governments. This notion is more pronounced in the case of Siyad Barre’s tyrannical administration and the incompetency of the transitional government. According to Werbersik’s assessment of the country, he provides a clear insight into the prevalence ethnic rifts and tensions that led to the emergence and growth of the Al Shabaab.

The current Al Shabaab problem is effectively described by three schools of thought; (1) the Salafism school of thought (2) the extremism school of thought and (3) the terrorism school of thought. Salafi fundamentalism is a conservative and strict branch of Islam that encourages the use of aggression to achieve is goals. This is a branch of Islam that encourages conversion or elimination of non-Muslims through Jihad. Salafism does not tolerate any other law or religion other than Islam which is a major feature of the al Shabaab and its ideologies.

Extremism is an outcome of radical interpretation of Islam that is founded on the belief that Sharia, the Islamic lawis in itself a fully integrative religious-political system that does not require additional texts to govern the people. Islamic extremism denounces any other form of government, deny human rights values and reject democracy.

Meanwhile, terrorism involves the use of violence and terror to inflict fear with the aim of gaining political power towards the establishment of set goals. The major difference between extremism and terrorism is that the latter does not require the use of violence or terror in order to achieve its goals whereas the former requires the use of violence and terrorizing people in order to achieve its goals.

The al Shabaab can be easily described as a group that adheres to the three schools of thought through its various activities that aim to promote Islamic fundamentalism, control government and eliminate all other religious in Somalia except Islam. The al Shabaab’s ideologies and activities are characteristic of most political discourses that have been applied in major parts of the world. Essentially, the terror group is a political movement that is governed by similar tenets as those of established political systems; hence, its attempt to gain power in Somalia are characteristic to a political discourse based on religious fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism as basic approaches towards the attainment of power.

In persuasive language, a significant rhetorical role is played by metaphor in order to generate an emotional response on the part of the hearer, the capacity of exploiting the associative power of language is comprised by the metaphor. Since, both in terms of evaluation of the integrity and reliability of politicians and evaluation of the policy, an expressive function of persuasion combined with a discourse function of communication of policy is combined by metaphors, therefore, a crucial role is played by them in the domain of politics. Since, all of the possible political objectives are explored by metaphors, therefore, they are considered as valuable. Affective involvement of the type sought by successful political leaders is encouraged and the speaker is not required to commit to any of the possible political objectives by metaphors.

In the conventions of the two political systems those of United States of American and Britain, there are no similar text types; therefore, comparison of American and British political discourse is one of the main difficulties that are faced. Prior to any election, in written manifestos that are published the intentions of the political party are communicated through the policy statements. On the other hand, the inaugural addresses that took place in January followed by the election of a new president are one of the means of communicating policy statements in the American system. Since the duration of the administration policy is set out by these inaugural addresses, wide media coverage is received by them. Sharing a common communicative purpose of persuading the voting public of the value of the intended policy of the government is the main rationale for comparison of these two types of text.

However, the al Shabaab terror group does not have access to such sophisticated social and political systems within which to pursue its agenda; hence, religious fundamentalism, extremism and terrorism are the only tools at its disposal, of which it has used effectively in its war against imperialism, modernization, democracy and intervention of foreign forces.

Al Shabaab Terror Group Profile


Evidently, Somalia is not considered as a major threat to the United States; hence, no major actions have been taken in spite of the Al Shabaab’s attacks in East Africa especially Kenya. Al Shabaab is gaining the attention of the world for a number of reasons. The group’s 2012 declaration and pledge of allegiance to the Al Qaeda. Though Al Qaeda was significantly weakened after the execution of Osama Bin Laden, it continues to gain the support of other terror groups across the world including Al Shabaab. Gaining the support of Al Qaeda has allowed Al Shabaab to gain financial support and secure weapons; consequently, making Somalia a staging area for international terror activities.

The terror group has continued to recruit and establish its operations outside of Somalia causing countries such affiliated to the United States such as Kenya to suffer significant losses. “Al Shabaab attacked the Westgate mall in Kenya killing sixty two people.” Warnings have continued to be issued of possible terror attacks. The terror group comprises of individuals from various countries and regions that sympathize with their agenda. The fact that the terror group is recruiting people from all over the world is an indication that it is a major threat that must be addressed.

Though the terror group is increasing gaining the attention of the world, the factors that influence its development have been largely ignored. The high rates of poverty, poor infrastructure and the “interference by foreign military forces have directly or indirectly contributed to the rise of Al Shabaab.” The terror group was founded “out of the desire for self-governance on the basis of Islamic law”. The group was not influenced issues such as globalization or forced assimilation to western cultures. After the 1993, US led forces attempt to remove Aidid from authority; the people of Somalia were forced to fend for themselves as a result of high corruption in government and extremely poor living conditions. In the absence of any support from international bodies and no structured form of government, the people looked to the Islamic religion and the tenets of sharia law for governance. Islamic law was the only recourse for the people in seeking justice, guidance and protection from warlords who did not have scruples pillaging their way into positions of authority and power in Somalia.

While Al Shabaab rose from the need to protect the people, they lost their war and progressively adopted the behavior and attitudes of the warlords that they initially sought to oppose; hence, losing their legitimacy. However, the group gained considerable legitimacy they succeeded in removing the Ethiopian forces that were backed by US forces in 2009 following a conflict that lasted three years. Since that period, the group has increasingly become active in planning and executing terrorism.

The amalgamation of Italian and British Somaliland in July 1960 led to the Independence of Somalia. The country created and implemented a new constitution that was in effect until the 1969 coup by the major General Said Barre. He dissolved the country’s Supreme Court and Parliament; and effectively suspended the constitution. Barre assumed the mantle of leadership and renamed the country as the Democratic Republic of Somaliland. He progressively led the country ebbing towards the communist state that is going to become in 1976, through the Ogden wars and until his rule come to an end in 1991 after he fled into exile. Since Barre’s departure from power, the country has remained without a formal federal government and the emergence of warlords caused the country to remain at war for decades. After the ouster of Barre in 1991, rival factions in the country began fighting against one another. After the ouster of Barre the various rival factions in Somalia began fighting against each other and persisted until the United Nations intervened in the period of 1992 to 1995. The presence of the US troops and their subsequent departure in 1994 did not help matters since there was no unitary force that came forward to gain control and manage government affairs. However, a Transitional National Government was created in 2000; however, it could not keep hold of power and was removed soon after. The northern regions of the country and the Puntland attempted to establish a semi-autonomous government; however, there was little if any international support in this regard.

The progressive fighting and a government that was essentially non-existent prompted concerns that terror groups had found a place where they could establish and propagate their operations in Somalia. However, after the 9/11 attacks in the US by Al Qaeda, the western countries began taking note of Al Shabaab and its activities in the region. The formation of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in 2000 by the members of the Al-Ittihad al-Islamiya (AIAI) in cooperation with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) paved way for the emergence of the Al Shabaab group.

Somalia is considered as among the poorest countries in the world and has experienced civil strife for decades. The country has been rules by various radical Islamist groups including the Al Shabaab; however, most of them gained control and subsequently fizzled out in decades-long social and political strife. While Al Shabaab is considered as a terrorist organization, there are some who believe that its actions constitute fighting for freedom. Though there are arguments opposing and supporting this view, the legitimization and justification of Al Shabaab’s actions remain a contentious issue considering that there is a prevalent notion that the group promotes violence and Islamic extremism. Al Shabaab has been observed to believe that its core ideals are geared towards bringing an end to Somalia’s problems. Therefore, once the group has effectively eliminated what it terms as problems in Somalia, it will undertake a global campaign to “spread God’s mercy and his law to the rest of the world. The aspirations of the Al Shabaab terror group are perceived to have a dual purpose, “it continues to use a hybrid of irredentism and global Jihad.” Though the Al Shabaab Islamic group dominates Somalia, there are contentions regarding the exact date of its formation. However, United Nations monitoring group in the country contents that the initial elements of the terror group began emerging in 2001; however, the group come into full public limelight in 2005. The group was formed by individuals that were formerly in the AIAI which was one of the groups that contributed to the formation of the ICU. AL Shabaab grew from an unclear militant faction and continued to become the main militant arm of the ICU. However, after the group’s separation from the ICU, it become an independent guerrilla force in various sections of the south central Somalia especially beginning 2007.

Ideology and Strategic Aims

Though the organization has a systemic core leadership, its militia adopts a decentralized, collective and fluid structure. In view of this, the group’s military commanders have their own operations creating the impression that they work independent of one another and in some cases, there have been reported cases of friction among them.

It has been reported that in 2003, a rift emerged between the members of the AIAI. The more moderate old guard had made a decision to form “a new political front whereas the younger members of the group wanted to establish a ‘Greater Somalia’ based on Islamic rule”. The despots went ahead to form a combined force with the sharia courts that were referred to as ICU; hence serving as the groups young militia. The “ICU and Al Shabaab managed to seize control of Mogadishu in 2006” which caused fears that the victory would motivate Jihadist violence in Ethiopia.

In December of 2006, Ethiopia entered Somalia and removed the ICU from the capital without much resistance. The entry of Ethiopia was requested by the then Somalia Transition government that had been established in 2004. The invasion of Somalia by Ethiopian troops is considered as the catalyzing moment when Al Shabaab became radicalized. Most of the ICU left the country leaving Al Shabaab behind; hence they were forced to retreat to the south of the country where guerrilla assaults were organized including assassinations and bombing of Ethiopian troops. It was during the fighting with the Ethiopian forces that the AL Shabaab group transformed into a full-scale guerrilla movement that went ahead to gain control of more territories in southern and central Somalia.

The Ethiopian military invasion and occupation of Somalia was the contributing factor for the transformation of the Al Shabaab group from a minor and insignificant part of the Islamic movement that continues to present itself as a major threat. Between 2006 and 2008, the Al Shabaab’s link to Al-Qaeda began to become apparent. The leadership of the terror group made public announcements in support of the Al Qaeda activities while critiquing and condemning the United States treatment of Muslims across the world. The US state department designated the Al Shabaab as a terror group in 2008. The Al Shabaab threatened to “connect the horn of African jihad to the one led by Al Qaeda and its leader Osama bin Laden.” The Al-Shabaab made good its threats in 2012 when it officially declared its support and loyalty to Al Qaeda.

The terror group’s first activity outside Somalia occurred in 2010 when it carried out a series of coordinated attacks through the use of suicide bombers and killed 24 people in Kampala, Uganda. The victims of the suicide bombings had gathered to watch the 2010 world cup games. The Al Shabaab stated that the attack was a clear message to countries that were planning to send their military to Somalia. The group observed that any such outside interventions would be met with severe consequences. Evidently, Uganda took the forefront in sending its “soldiers into Somalia in 2007 under the purview of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISON)” that were mandated with defending the transition government in Mogadishu. As of 2014, Uganda had the largest number of troops in Somalia; other countries that sent their soldiers into Somalia under AMISON included Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sierra Leone and Djibouti. The main aim of the Al Shabaab is to remove the invading forces and establish sharia law in Somalia.


The Al Shabaab grew in numbers as a result of various factors among them the high poverty and unemployment rates in Somalia. The terror group was able to recruit more young people through its precept that emphasized on self-dignity and nationalism among Somali youths; hence, joining Al Shabaab was perceived as the ideal solution to the prevalent problems. Joining AL Shabaab was perceived as the only viable solution to surviving in harsh social and economic conditions. In addition, the group used fear and intimidation to motivate young people to join the terror group. The terrorist force people to give up their children to join Al Shabaab, any signs of refusal resulted in their deaths. Al Shabaab invaded schools and villages kidnapping young boys to join their militia. The women were forced to become brides or sex slaves in service of the terror group.

The Al Shabaab terror group uses guerilla warfare tactics by ambushing its enemies when they least expect it. The group has also been noted to use suicide bombers to execute attacks in high priority areas. These attacks are often executed using grenades, suicide vests, assault rifles and land mines. The group often recruits young people who are highly susceptible to suggestion; hence, they are able to convince them to carry out suicide missions in the name of Jihad.

Though the concepts of clans are prevalent in Somalia, the AL Shabaab is not defined by such distinctions since all members are treated equally in spite of periodic infighting and friction among the leadership. The group managed to ignore ethnic differences among them and focus their attention in mobilizing and fighting against their common enemy such as the transitional government and AMISON forces. The Al Shabaab leadership is drawn from the various clans in Somalia which is a trend that deviates from their Al Qaeda counterparts who can recruit leadership from any part of the world. The Al Shabaab leadership is restricted to Somali nationals and do not allow foreigners to assume any leading roles. However, the group’s expansion has seen various foreigners take active roles in the organization including individuals from the United States, Sweden and Britain. Though the group is trained by individuals from outside, they have ensured that they do not accept foreign leadership.

The AL Shabaab’s financial and logistical support has continued to grow as the group expands to regions outside Somalia. During the initials years of the Al Shabaab, their resources including weapons and finances were provided by TGF defectors. It is also believed that the Eritrean government has made contributions to the activities of the Al Shabaab; however, there is no tangible evidence to substantiate these claims. The terror group has the support of the local communities that have established support structures, community networks and support from religious entities. The Al Shabaab’s capability to raise resources was enhanced when it took control of Kismayo, a port that is critical to Somalia. The Al Shabaab is believed to be in cahoots with pirates in the India Ocean share it would share in the looted merchandise or ransoms that are paid to free hijacked ships. It is also believed that al Shabaab gets financial support from various Arab countries such Syria, Iran, Qatar and Yemen. The Somalis in the diaspora are believed to be making significant contributions to the group. The extended support system for the Al-Shabaab terror group exists to grow and execute terror operations outside of Somalia.



The primary objectives of Al Shabaab are to oust the transition government and gain full control of Somalia. However, this objective cannot be achieved without the removal of AMISON troops in the country. The Al Shabaab aims to promote Islamic law in Somalia and eliminate any elements that negate the religious precepts of Islam. The terror group continues to threaten neighboring countries especially Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. The terror groups aims to continue its jihadist campaigns on countries that have the support of “western countries such as the United States and Britain.” Kenya and Ethiopian governments have apprehended Al Shabaab militants platting to carry out attacks within their borders. Al Shabaab succeeded in attacking the “Westgate Mall, in Nairobi Kenya where people were killed and others held hostage.” This attack was the largest attack since the 1998 attack in the US Embassy in Nairobi.

The objective of Al Shabaab is to promote sharia law not only in Somalia but in other countries through its jihadist terror activities. The group has effectively prohibited any connotations with the western lifestyle or culture and any actions that negate their directives is often punishable by execution. People are not allowed to watch foreign media, movies, music and prohibition of acts such as shaving beards among men, smoking or anything that is considered to negate Islamic ideologies. Punishment of offenders is based on Sharia law where adulterers are stoned and thieves amputated according to their crimes. In order to expand its membership, the Al Shabaab uses unconventional methods of kidnaping and brainwashing young people to commit acts of terror.

While the Al Shabaab began as the underdog championing the rights of the Somali people, its ideals and core objectives have changed significantly. The terror group has solely focused on retaliation against countries and organizations it perceives have infringed on its territory. Essentially, Al Shabaab emerged out of necessity as a result of the chaotic political environment that resulted “after the removal of Barre’s government”. The lack of a structured government that has control of the entire country has provided the al Shabaab with an environment within which it can thrive and grow its operations. The disagreements and struggle for control among the warlords and clan leaders gave the Al Shabaab an ideal forum to present itself as a non-partisan organization that championed for all Somalis irrespective of their clan affiliations.

In addition, the absence of structured and organized economic systems has resulted in high rates of poverty and unemployment. As such, young people in Somalia have looked to Al Shabaab to provide the needed support. The Al Shabaab is perceived as the ideal solution to the problems that Somalia faces considering that it is not divided or governed on the basis of clan affiliations. The organization continues to organize and execute attacks that are politically motivated since they increasingly make people lose faith in the government’s capability to protect them. In Somalia, the terror group aims to destabilize and remove the transition government. The more attacks that the group perpetuates, the more people are inclined to stop supporting a government that cannot protect its citizens. Government institutions are presented as weak and incapable of making adequate interventions to ensure that people do not lose their lives and property does not get destroyed by the Al Shabaab. Terrorist attacks may be directed at other countries that have sent their troops in Somalia. For instance, the terror group has continued to plan and execute attacks in Kenya killing hundreds of people. This has resulted in increased calls for the Kenyan government to withdraw its soldiers from Somalia. Therefore, Al Shabaab attacks have succeeded in causing the people to doubt the government’s capacity to protect and safeguard their well-being.


Though Al Shabaab continued to claim that the intervention of AMISON forces has not affected the group significantly, it is not clear what lays in the group’s future especially with respect to its capacity to sustain its terror activities. It is evident that unless a comprehensive intervention strategy by the international community is taken, the Al Shabaab threat will continue for decades to come. However, it is difficult to make a definitive assessment especially with respect to its legitimacy among the Somali people.

The examination of the Al Shabaab as an emerging threat to global security indicates that in the next two years, the group’s attacks on countries it considers as enemies including Kenya and Ethiopia will escalate. Since the terror group’s activities have succeeded, especially in forcing the recall of Kenya soldiers, it is likely that it will continue its attacks not only in Somalia but in other countries as well. However, the Al Shabaab’s activities will not go unnoticed and it is likely that in the next two years, the United States and its allies will mount a coordinated assault against Al Shabaab considering in order to prevent it from joining forces with the ISIS and other terror groups across the world. The Al Shabaab will attempt to remove the AMISON backed transition government in order to establish control over the country. The presence of foreign troops in Somalia will ensure that such an attempt will be thwarted and even through the Al Shabaab may not succeed in its attempts, it is clear that the human casualties in the fight against terror will increase significantly.

The increase in Al Shabaab’s attacks both in scope and intensity has made the group to be known across the world. In the next, two years, the entire world will of ...

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