Tennessee Williams's glass menagerie

Tennessee Williams uses symbolism successfully in The Glass Menagerie. This research takes a stand on the meaning and symbolism of the glass menagerie, with an emphasis on the unicorn. Laura's favorite of the glass menagerie is the unicorn, and as a metaphor, it represents Laura's mental and physical fragility. The unicorn is distinct from her other horses and represents Laura's distinction from other children. Laura is very reserved, as her typing teacher describes her: "If you should be asking about the incredibly shy little girl who dropped out of school after just a few days' attendances?" Williams and Kushner (Williams and Kushner 67) The unicorn is depicted as lonely because it is different and symbolizes Laura’s lonely and unusual life; “She lives in a world of her own-a world of little glass ornaments” (Williams and Kushner 99).

In scene seven of the play, the unicorn’s fate is sealed when its horn is broken, and it loses its difference from the other horses. Jim’s advances confer new normalcy to Laura’s life, but its violence shatters her as symbolized by the breaking of the unicorn’s horn and she states, “It is a blessing in disguise” (Williams and Kushner 135). Laura normalizes by shedding some shyness, and the breaking of the unicorn symbolizes her loss of uniqueness and broken hopes of connection and love as Jim explained that he has a fiancée. The shattering of the unicorn also symbolizes the painful experience, which leaves her broken emotionally. The fragility of the unicorn also symbolizes Laura’s fragility to which Laura tells Jim to look at what he broke in her as she hands him the unicorn as a souvenir.

The glass unicorn in Glass Menagerie plays an important role by providing a symbolic representation of Laura’s difference, fragile nature, and its breaking represents the emotional heartbreak. The unicorn is an effective symbol and is effective in character and theme development in the play.

Works Cited

Williams, Tennessee, and Tony Kushner. The glass menagerie. New Directions Publishing, 2011.

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