Sustainability Innovation

Sustainability Innovation: Primark. Recently, organizations have begun to see the advantages of incorporating sustainability issues into their internal operating procedures. This essay examines how Primark is adopting environmentally friendly methods to innovate its business.
Enterprise Profile
Customers of Primark can get clothing from the company at a fair and inexpensive retail price. The corporation combines socially responsible behavior into its business strategy in two key ways: by making charity contributions and by providing goods at prices that are comparably lower than those of its competitors. The Primark family donated £42 million to nonprofits in 2013. (Last, 2013).
Offering items that are produced with consideration for the environment and people is part of Primark's long-term sustainability strategy. To achieve this, the company has set high ethical and environmental sustainability standards.

The main reason behind the decision to incorporate sustainability initiatives in Primark's business structure is to offer its customers affordable clothing that can provide excellent value for money with the aim of making the lives of millions of people better.

Socioeconomic Impact

Primark ensures that its factors and suppliers are committed to maintaining factories which guarantee healthful working conditions for their workers (Primark, 2017a). The company ensures that workers producing the clothes are decently treated and fairly remunerated. All factories should adhere to the company's code of conduct which borrows heavily from the internationally recognized standards. By ensuring that their employees are fairly compensated, Primark contributes to economic growth by increasing their disposable incomes. Further, innovative value addition methods of production employed by factories making the company's garments play an essential role in growing the economy.

Environmental Impact

Primark focuses on activities which can reduce its environmental as possible. As a way of working towards this, the company has created an Environmental Sustainability team that monitors how the raw materials used by the factories are sourced and the environmental impact of the factories' manufacturing process. Where possible, Primark recycles the raw materials to minimize environmental impacts. Impacts In 2007, Primark launched its premier sustainable cotton products (Primark, 2017). The women pajamas are made using cotton that is purchased from farmers who are participating in the company’s sustainable cotton program.


Primark markets their sustainability impact on different platforms. First, the company markets their sustainability impact on their website. Any visitor to the company's site is confronted with information on how the company pays attention to environmental and social aspects of production (Primark, 2017a). The factories which make Primark's clothes are carefully vetted to ensure that they conform to sustainability standards set by the company. Further, the company publishes sustainability reports. Currently, the company is running a sustainable cotton program in partnership with women association.

Business Advantage

Sustainable innovations have significantly changed Primark’s business processes. For instance, sustainable considerations are helping the company to comply with different regulations such as regulations on labor laws, ethics, and environment (Hendriksz, 2017). Additionally, the company has been able to attract investor and partners such as the Women Association as a result of suitability endeavors.

There is a presumption that sustainability innovations translate to high costs. However, this is not true. In fact, sustainability saves Primark money by increasing productivity of employees, avoiding many litigations over compliance issues and recycling raw materials hence reducing the cost of production (Hendriksz, 2017).

In conclusion, Primark has strived to integrate sustainability considerations into its business processes. Socially, the company has been giving contributions to charitable organizations economically, and the company ensures that its employees are paid competitively and reasonably hence increasing their disposable incomes. Environmentally, Primark is currently running a sustainable cotton program.


Hendriksz. V. (2017). A Closer Look at Primark’s Stance on Responsible Fashion. Retrieved from

Last. J. (2013). Primark family makes £42m charitable donation. Retrieved from

Primark. (2017). Planet.

Primark. (2017a). People & Production. Retrieved from

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