Shifu Panda - The Legendary Red Panda

In addition to his own students, Master Shifu also trained many of the greatest warriors in history.

One of his greatest failures was Tai Lung, but he later redeemed himself and trained the Furious Five and Dragon Warrior Po. He was a student of Master Oogway, another highly skilled master. Master Shifu trained Po to be the greatest of the Dragon Warrior. The Dragon Warrior is one of the strongest in history, and Po is capable of holding his own against the greatest dragon warrior.

Master Shifu

Throughout the Kung Fu Panda franchise, many viewers have been confused by the identity of the character of Master Shifu. Some have mistaken him for a lemur or raccoon. In reality, Master Shifu is a Red Panda! Here are some fun facts about this legendary martial artist! The first part of the film will give you a background on his character, as well as some cool trivia.

Master Yao

One of the most enduring characters in the Kung Fu Panda franchise is Master Yao, who is best known for having been given the Dragon Chalice by Grand Masters Oogway and Shifu. The Dragon Chalice, a mysterious relic given to Shifu by the Grand Masters, is a key element in the film's plot. While the Grand Masters may have given it to him, their real meaning is unclear. In the film, the chalice is a symbol of mastery.

Master Oogway

The senior master of the Jade Palace and a Kung fu master, Oogway had green eyes and skin. He wore a green cloak decorated with a yin and yang symbol. Oogway mastered the art of manipulating Chi and was able to use it to levitate, enhance one's physical ability, and use energy blasts.

Master Peng

Master Peng of Shifu Panda Krung Fu is a character in the film Shifu Panda. He is the traveling kung fu club organizer. Peng is friends with Po and Lian and later, with the help of the Furious Five, organizes the annual Winter Feast. Although Peng claims to be self-taught, he later learns from his uncle that kung fu causes evil and quits the martial art.

Tai Lung

A popular kung fu technique from the panda mythos, Tai Lung is a powerful kick that Shifu panda believes can defeat opponents. Practicing Tai Lung, you will be able to perform the same kick in a variety of situations, including close combat, streetfights, and battles. The name of this kung fu technique comes from the fact that the master believes that the scroll is his power source.

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