The "Rites of Spring"

The "Rites of Spring" tells the story of World War One and how certain parts of it helped to advance modern society. Eksteins contends that the contemporary world is preoccupied with issues like abstraction, death, emancipation, and myth-making, which has led to a fusion of life and art. Germany is one country that stands as an example of new ideas in today's society, where people struggle to embrace new ideas and give up old ones that no longer serve their needs. Even though Germany lost the conflict, the majority of its ideologies and attitudes prevailed and can be seen in the modern world. (Eksteins 5). There are questions on the causes of the First World War, whether it was as a result of political causes or changed in attitude and ideas. The warring nations had conflicting ideas which lead to the war, and each nation felt that their ideas would be best. However, the Allies had more power than the Axis, and they won over them. The German ideas, however still won in the making of the modern world. The modern world was formed as a result of abandoning the past attitude and adopting those factors which were presented.

The Two Answers

The two answers are similar in that they show a milestone in the cultural history. German was considered as the most modern nation in the world and had ideas and attitudes which would result in changes. However, they did not have the weapons and the human resources their enemies had which resulted in their defeat. However, their ideas still prevailed as they have been adopted and used in making of the modern world.

Work Cited

Eksteins, Modris. Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age. Boston [u.a.: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. Print.

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