We are happy to announce the official introduction of Ms Jenna Thomas, a nursing practitioner as one of our staff at Physicians United of Ormond Beach. We have been in the process of recruiting a more staff in order to streamline our healthcare services and enable us to serve you better.
Jenna has been a registered nurse for the last 15 years and has been a Nursing practitioner with an ARNP (Advanced Registered Nursing Practitioner) for the last seven years. She will bring vast experience and help us in delivering the best services to you including improving the scheduling process, reducing waiting time and bring in even more specialized and personalized healthcare to you.
We have also launched the ‘PUOB Healthcare App,’ a smartphone-based healthcare application which will be used by the patients and staff to streamline the services in the organization. Using the application will make it easier for you to remember scheduled appointments. It will also make it easier to remember treatment and dosages, keep track of your health such as weight and pressure changes among other advantages. Kindly register with it in order to enjoy the full benefits of medical technology.
In case of any enquiries, you can contact us through our email ([email protected]), telephone number (386-676-8900) or any of our staff.
Thank you.
Best Regards
(Student name)
Works Cited
Marsh, Charles, David W. Guth, and Bonnie Poovey Short. Strategic writing: Multimedia writing for public relations, advertising and more. Routledge, 2017.