Principles of Design

Production criteria guide visual engagement decisions. Visual communication is the use of symbols and imagery to convey messages, thoughts, and knowledge. It is the most often used mode of communication. The primary determinants of design concepts that an artist would apply, with varying consequences, are audience desires and the facts to be conveyed. Balance makes visible parts appealing, perspective makes things appear real, movement shows motion using lines and curves, emphasis makes things stand out the most, variety adds interest to objects, harmony brings visual objects together, and unity improves understanding of the relationship between various elements. These principle influence design choice by offering procedure on how to ensure design success during idea generation session and also checking means of quality designs processes.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of a visual composition. Effectiveness refers to successfulness while visual composition refers to the manner in which visual elements have been organized in an artwork to bring harmony (Ramirez, 233). An effective composition calls for attention and generates feelings to the audients by capturing the fundamental elements of visual design and induces understanding to the audients. However, design choice dictates the design elements that should be incorporated to bring out the intended message hence influencing design composition.

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Paired word-Calm and hard, soft and dynamic

Principles of design used- movement principle to show motion and repetition to create the rhythm in the images.

Calm : peaceful, quiet, and conducive weather

Surname 4

Hard: bad heavily raining weather.

Surname 5

Soft: the pleasant and smooth pillow.

Dynamic object: changing shape.

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Work cited

Ramirez, L. Rogers. Design Principles and Methods For Composing Artwork. 1st ed., [Place Of Publication Not Identified], universe Com, 2013.

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