Organic Farming study

This study investigates the viability of organic agriculture

This study investigates the viability of organic agriculture as a better and more sustainable agricultural option for increased production. The research will look into the numerous factors that influence individuals to choose organic farming, as well as how people perceive the practice's relevance to their traditional practices. Organic farming is a crop growing approach that relies on natural means of production rather than the use of chemicals such as pesticides and growth hormones. This process approaches manufacturing from a holistic standpoint, optimizing output while also diversifying production designs. The goal of organic production is to ensure that farming is environmentally benign for long-term sustainability by preserving biological variety and reducing soil deterioration. The research utilizes such theories as consequentialism, utilitarianism, and deontological. The consequentialist approach holds that the results are justified to be right or wrong depending on the means used. The utilitarianism strengthens this perspective by pointing out that one's actions should produce the greater good. The views held by these theories correlates to the ethical perspective held by deontology. The examination of these theories shows that the farmers and the consumers have the mandate to engage in organic farming for the greater good of the community and environmental preservation as a whole.

Providing the consumers and the farmers with adequate information

Providing the consumers and the farmers with adequate information through the explanation of the quality of the food to be grown and consumed will enhance their responsiveness towards aesthetic awareness. Therefore, through the exploration of the ethical concerns that are applied before engaging in organic farming, the analysis demonstrates the essence of people making informed decisions. The theoretical framework utilized in the study provides a comprehensive basis for determining the anticipated outcome of the consumers being empowered to make ethical food decisions.

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