The Lack of Ethnic Diversity in American National Parks
The fact that almost all national parks system in American based on racial grounds where white is the majority race, so it means that most of the parks do not have ethnic diversity. The perception that the system has no variety and it allows 80% staff comprised of white which includes the visitors. As the world changes in economies, religious affiliations, social classes, and people can afford to book sites and visit luxurious nature walks adventures which do not lie on race or color (Gover). Mostly, in parks and nature club in America like to associate themselves with social differentiation of the white race
Racial Diversity in Sierra Club
Example of the Sierra Club, which dedicates in enjoying the outdoor life, exploring and protecting the conversation of wildlife and nature clearly, seen a racial divert aspect in leadership. The change directorial position that favors inclusion, diversity, and equity is the game changer in the nature conversation business. Having priorities on the customers and the venue, it is a medication that does not see race, color or origin but it focuses on the mission and objectives of the parks and clubs. Providing such adventure in agroforestry, social- environmental justice, and protection on the natural world and climatic crisis, Sierra Club is a pioneer that other National parks should follow in achieving their mandates and goals.
Racial Diversity in Pasadena, California
Pasadena in California, the USA that has a tremendous racial diversity in the parks and nature walks. The town has one of the largest parrot sites for tourists, Mediterranean climate that is favorable for adventure without forgetting the original fault lines and to all races who camp outdoors. The fact that parks with different racial diversity, so it means that the parks have achieved their initial conversations park objectives. This system allows us to see that race variation is still a factor too parks in the USA. The demographic population of white in 2010 was 55.8% compared with the other race did not hinder the city in achieving a satisfactory experience human system is likely to have complexity in the context of providing the public with what they need regardless the culture and race.
Reasons for Lack of Ethnic Diversity in American National Parks
Why are American National parks white? On is that people of color do not familiarity themselves with the context of the parks hence are hesitant to go, and the other is there is a lack of racial multiplicity among the park' employees. The racial treatment by the gate attendees and the white rangers’ entails fear hence exclude people of color from outdoor activities. The truths remain that national parks lack ethnic diversity in staff and attendance, so the parks are considered discriminative. Using the discriminative hypothesis, the racial profiling in the parks is a factor that makes people of color not apply jobs or visit parks d clubs. The aspect of having an agent search an African American bag as the White pass- by unchecked is textbook racism that increases lack of diversity over the years.
Racial and Ethnic Participation in National Parks
The racial and ethnic groups who visit the national parks participate on the different rate on the recreational activities. Under the subcultural hypothesis, the patterns and style that parks vary among racial and ethnic groups. Park managers are to involve everyone in the events and equity should be based no matter the race (Krymkowski). Changing the population ratio of competition in the workplace will allow more diversity. Not all national parks and clubs are racial, so people have their different reasons why they do not participate in recreation activities. The foundation element of inadequate support systems that the parks have will make the demographic issue unsolved.
Evaluation using Toulmin Reasoning
Evaluation using Toulmin reasoning of data, claim and warrant, we have to see that population of whites in outings and recreational parks are high due to lack of diversity. The point that national parks there are never good interactions between white and other people of color, it clearly shows Americans national parks and clubs are not culture varied. The American imagery that indicates that Nature-based activities are for Euro American is right. Since many people of different ethnic groups are involved in outdoor like camping, mountain climbing, and other recreation activities.
Importance of Racial Diversity in National Parks
As long as there is no racial diversity in the National parks, clubs and public nature recreation centers, other minority races and ethnic group would suffer. It is obvious to assume that parks agents and rangers are majority white. This factor is because of the generalization that whites' families fill the parks on weekends. The ethnicity perception usually concluded that other ethnic groups have no right to such activities even though they are nationals. The degradation of cultures in America has decreased since there are more open conversations on discrimination. All events at parks and clubs are for visitors and locals not white, black or Asian. The moral fabric in this business will bring risk and uncertainties. Risk analysis is a form of evaluation that the Toulmin method agrees with in cases of fault in the development process, the failed system of the national park to consider incorporation (Goldberg).
In conclusion, failure meets customer usability in objectives will fail in the business. The attitude the managers and owners of national parks have towards other ethnic and racial groups will determine their popularity to the public. The image of which the public views ethnicity in a national park is termed ‘unfair' seeing the number of demographic race varies exponentially. Euro- Americans have the solemn right to participate in any nature activities same as African American, Asians and other nationals as foreign visitors. The moment people let racial discriminations define them, the less diversity we will have. The public has the final say as costumes of service and product. There social integration system in national parks and clubs has to embrace and encouraged by the Government, society, and businesses.
Works Cited
Goldberg, David Theo. Racial subjects: Writing on race in America. Routledge, 2016.
Gover, Trudy. "Problems in argument analysis and evaluation." (2018).
Krymkowski, Daniel H and Manning, Robert E and Valliere, William A. "Race, ethnicity, and visitation to national parks in the United States: Tests of the marginality, discrimination, and subculture hypotheses with national-level survey data." Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 7 (2014): 35-43.