Naomi Shihab Nye's one boy told me

In Naomi Shihab Nye's poetry "One Boy Told Me," the poet addresses a wide range of controversies that we face in our everyday lives. The poem's phrases demonstrate that words have the ability to restore everything to the soul if they are trusted. The poem portrays the aspect of proclaiming and learning objects that differentiate human behavior. Naomi Shihab Nye's poem "One Boy Told Me" is intended to challenge the reader's mind to see about the ordinary.
By questioning the reader's mindset, the poet will develop a straightforward strategic decision path to develop the poem's subject, which is love. And I will be deep water too. Wait. Just wait. How deep is the river?” (Nye 1). The statement engages the reader into challenging the facts provided in the books with the precise definitions of nature.
Nye also develops a set of questions in the exposition of the poem which engage the reader in developing a redefinition of the specific words in the vocabulary (Nye 1). By asking what they mean, Nye engages the reader in developing a meaning which relates to life issues through the use of figurative language.
The figures of speech and poetic devices employed in the poem include symbolism and rhetorical questions. Symbolism is used in many verses, for example, for comparing the head to a souvenir, “Your head is a souvenir” (Nye 1). There is also use of symbolism when the author indicates that music lived inside her legs which are a symbol of the affection she has for music. The poem also has a series of rhetorical questions which are intended to separate the intention of the author to the obvious meaning of the statements. An example of alliteration includes “Is it true all metal was liquid first?” (Nye 1).
Work Cited
Nye, Naomi Shihab. “One Boy Told Me.” Poetry Foundation, 1998, Accessed 21 Apr. 2017.

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