My Experience as an Intern in the Accounts Payable Department of a Nursing Home

During week one

I was introduced to the various accounting concepts and my work mainly involved observing and helping in mundane and repetitive tasks. During my first week at work, I accompanied my trainer to a clothing supplier premise to verify the accuracy of their invoices billed to the nursing home. In week one I was shown around the office and assigned the role of recording journal entries under the guide ship of my trainer.

Week 2

In week two, I was involved in data entry of financial information in the Nursing home's enterprise resource planning system. The task was coupled with testing and ensuring data entry accuracy to guarantee the data's validity. It was also in this week that my trainer assigned me the role of sorting, coding and matching about 100 leaves of invoices. The role further entailed archiving the uploaded documents in the documentation room.

Week 3

In this week, which included the 24th pay date cycle, I was tasked with preparing pay slips for all employees of the nursing home. The week also involved receiving and verifying expense reports, preparing checks, and reviewing employees' advance requests. In addition, my task in week three included entering and uploading the invoices into the nursing home accounting system.

Week 4

Week four coincided with the end month week, which is customarily a tax filing period where I was involved in filing sales and payroll taxes with the internal revenue service and the treasury department of the state government. It was also in this week that I was tasked with preparing and processing electronic money transfers and payments to suppliers and contractors assigned by the nursing home.

Week 5

During week five, my duties entailed preparing a confidential report to the accounts payable department manager on my experience as an intern in the department. In the same week I was also tasked with writing an article on my experience as an intern that would feature in the nursing home biannual magazine. It was also during week five that I was tasked the role of tracking expenses and processing expense reports that would be later on be presented to the director of the nursing home.

Week 6

This week entailed visiting the nursing home bank to reconcile and verify bank statements. In this tour, I accompanied my trainer and the departmental head and was tasked in comparing and verifying nursing home system reports to the bank balances. It was also in this week that I was tasked with preparing employees' payslips together with their corresponding payroll taxes.

Week 7

Week seven fell in the pay date cycle thus I was involved in preparing checks and payslips of employees. I was also involved in storage of data by microfilming and filing data for historical use coupled with conducting an audit on the nursing home visitors register. In week seven the account payable departmental manager assigned me the role of researching and resolving some of the invoices discrepancies. The role involved manually inspecting all invoices and double-checking for any errors that might have crept in both the physical and online records.

Week 8

Week eight entailed the preparation of the quarterly financial statements of the nursing home. The preparation involved creating income statements, budget utilization reports and quarterly performance reports to the shareholders and the government regulatory agency. I was also assigned the role of preparing and maintain vendor files in anticipation of payments to the vendors in the next month.

Week 9

The week involved attending the home nursing workshop for the department. This meeting was mandatory for all departmental employees and it entailed a learning opportunity on new industry standards and insights and it was conducted by external expert consultants. The director of the nursing home directed the accounts payable department to prepare a monthly report and I was tasked together with other members to contribute to its creation.

Week 10

This week involved preparing and calculating sales tax dues based on the paid invoices and preparing and verifying supplier's monthly statements and other related transactions. It is also in the same week, where I was tasked with disbursing petty cash, recording their entry and verifying the claims. As the last week in the month, the departmental manager tasked me with assisting with closing the end month books.

Week 11

During this week eleven I was tasked with monitoring the nursing home accounts to ensure that due payments were paid promptly after verification. It is also in week eleven that I was involved in reconciling account payables transactions, where I was comparing the physical records against records in the accounting system. During the week, I was tasked with supporting and preparing documentation for external auditors.

Week 12

During week twelve I was under training on how to carry out a comprehensive accounts analysis, this involved sighting data manipulation. After the training, I was tasked with actually carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the nursing home books of account.

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