Most Interesting Fact About IDEO and Its Five Mantras

IDEO is an international design and innovation firm founded in 1991 and has it’s headquarter in California, United States. The company is headed by Tim Brown as the Chief Executive Officer and boasts of over seven hundred employees. The discussion focuses on the most interesting fact about the company based on the YouTube video, highlights five mantras of the company and comments on the given five mantras.

Most interesting fact about IDEO and the five mantras discussed in the video

            It was interesting to find out that the company’s project leader is chosen based on the ability to work with groups and not academic or other qualifications. Besides, the company does not use hierarchy system because the Chief Executive Officer believes that such system discourages innovation.  According to Fabrica (2018), the five mantras that keep the company in competition are: Having single conversation at a time to allow for a fruitful engagement of ideas, promotion of ideas that would be considered as wild by other companies, ensuring that committee members stay focused on the topic of discussion during meetings, understanding, and building on the ideas of colleagues and others for the benefit of the company and choosing to avoid judgment to set everyone free to be innovative in the company. It is even more fascinating to note that the five primary motivation points mentioned form part of the company’s culture and the Chief Executive Officer or other leaders do not have to keep reminding employees about them.

Commenting on the stated mantras

            The discussion pointing out that IDEO's uniqueness comes from the employees is correct. On the mantras, the discussion concurs that the company encourages wild ideas and nonjudgmental cooperation among employees.   Besides, the discussion highlights not being stiff and having team trials as mantras, but the two should form part of the wild innovation. For example, if one can come up with a unique design, it would be wild only if he or she can be free and experiment on it. Nevertheless, it is interesting to learn that research is part of the five mantras because it has a significant impact on the overall quality of the company's products.


The discussion has explained the most interesting facts about the company and five mantras that guide the company. Besides, the essay has commented on a post about the most interesting facts about the company and its mantras as viewed from a different perspective.

Work Cited

Fabrica Inconformistae. “IDEO Shopping Cart Project.” Online Video Clip. Youtube.  Youtube,         5  July 2014. Web. 5 September 2018. Retrieved from   

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