Military Professional

The goal of professional military is to create skilled soldiers through military education, which entails the growth, instruction, and schooling of combatants. The specialized training of troops is essential because it shapes the military's actions by supplying paradigms to understand battle and other conflicts. (Jacobs, 2014). The origin and make-up of combatant education are key factors in the development of specialized military competencies that enable soldiers to carry out their main duties in an expert and sophisticated way. Soldiers are equipped with necessary information and skills that can be used in distinct surrounding during the war as well as in various duties such as helping the society and conducting various projects (Masland & Radway, 2015). However, professional military has both the disadvantages and advantages in the community and the nation as a whole.


Initially, the professional military provides stability internally and safeguard the community from external society hence strengthening the national security. With all eligible men and women joining the army to work on the front lines and different areas of the military, there is an assurance that the country is safer and more secure during the times of war with other nations or terror groups (Kaurin, 2014). Professional military ensures that there is diversity in skills and knowledge from various enlisted women and men hence promoting competency in the provision of countrywide security. In the contemporary world, the issue of terrorism has raised much concerned in the army since fighting terror does not need the combat alone but also tactics. Specialized soldiers help in the counter-terrorism operation in various ways such as gathering intelligence information, locating improvised explosive devices, carrying out airstrikes using the drones as well as inventing new weapons and military equipment that reduce casualties (Günther, 2016).

Secondly, professional military promotes unity among citizens because the forces comprises of soldiers from different parts of the country. Besides, citizens develop the sense of nationalism and patriotism which are important values because they are taught how to work as a team (Kaurin, 2014). Military promotes discipline and direction given that soldiers are held to high standards due to their access to classified information, weapons and responsibility to represent and defend the country. The self-control skills pay off in other career pursuits as well as interpersonal relationships which have advantages to the society or the family. Additionally, professional soldiers are taught skills and offered different training such as engineering, medicine, information technology and other specialization because they are assigned to distinct departments (Jacobs, 2014). However, troops who leave the service can use their learned skills and expertise in the real world and find employment.


Despite the pros of the professional military, it has various disadvantages to the community such as increased cost, devastated families, and potential threats. Firstly, maintaining the standing army is expensive because soldiers are paid naturally as well as the need to lodge, feed and provide them with equipment, armour, and weapons (Masland & Radway, 2015). Professional soldiers train throughout their life n the military hence they need exercise yards archery ranges and stables to keep them fit and ready for the battle. The professional military education encompasses several universities, schools and training programs that are designed to promote headship in the forces. The preparation activities are expensive since soldiers are required to have various military tours within the country and abroad so that to have experience in the various environment. For instance, USA marines travel in some parts of Africa to train in surroundings that are similar to those of Afghanistan so that to remain strong when deployed in such harsh conditions (Jacobs, 2014).

Furthermore, professional soldiers pose a potential threat to the society especially when they leave from the services. Many of the troops who serve in the battle have post trauma stress malady making them dangerous in the society. For instance, the post-traumatic disorder has been identified as the core hurt indicators of the America engagements in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. A large number exceeding 2.6 million country guards, reserve service and active duty individuals deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan have developed or may have after war disorder (Garb & Malešič, 2016). Soldiers who have post war malady are threats to the safety of their families and the community since they are violent and can conduct homicide or suicide at their home. Also, professional soldiers who are fired from the military due to misconduct can get radicalized and join terror groups or enemies hence endangering the security of the state (Garb & Malešič, 2016).


Conclusively, professional military is the incredibly flexible and powerful tool that is expensive to maintain but each nation needs it to remain secure and competent in war or conflict. Specialized troops ensure that the homeland is secure from the external attackers, helps to reduce unemployment, and promotes discipline as well as nationalism. However, professional military is pricey and may have a threat to the society since some of the soldiers may join the enemy or develop disorders that can lead to suicide or homicides. Since military expertise is necessary in the current world, the government should develop the policies that will help in mitigating any threats associated with professional soldiers.


Garb, M., & Malešič, M. (2016). The causes of trust and distrust in the military. Defense and Security Analysis, 32(1), 64–78.

Günther, L.-S. (2016). War experience and trauma in American literature: a study of American military memoirs of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Peter Lang Edition.

Jacobs, M. P. (2014). Professional military education: analysis and recommendations. New York: Nova Publishers.

Kaurin, P. M. (2014). The warrior, military ethics and contemporary warfare: Achilles goes asymmetrical. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Pub. Company.

Masland, J. W., & Radway, L. I. (2015). Soldiers and Scholars: Military Education and National Policy. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press.

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