Michael Moore's Documentary "Bowling for Columbine"

1.         Michael Moore was commonly known as a filmmaker and author in the United States. In the film that he initially produced explained the gun culture in the state. He argued that films should not present violent shows. Moreover, the practitioner elaborated that in case there were fewer guns, their death rate could rapidly decrease. Furthermore, the suicide cases could minimize considering that most gun deaths occur as a result of individuals committing suicide.

2.         Moore explains the main causes of the causes of shooting in the documentary. He claims that it is part of the culture that is adopted in America. In addition, the shootings are determined to be as a result of the citizens' fear that leads to social evils such as violence. There are several individuals who are interviewed such as members of the Michigan Militia, survivors of the Columbine shooting, as well as the president of the National Rifle Association who was known as Charlton Heston.

3.         The film shows the culture that is adopted by the Americans who use violence to handle issues regardless of the current location. Michael criticized President George Bush for initiating violence against Iraq. Many families and students suffer after the Columbine incident as a result of gun control issues. (Norman, S6). The government makes marketing and possession of weapons easier day after day. It is shown in the scene whereby Moore acquired a weapon from a financial institution after opening a bank account. 

4.         The movie creates awareness to the audience. Films should be very strict on themes and offer age limits where necessary. A good film should not promote immoral behaviour to teenagers and pupils but they should play the role of educating people. Recently, many individuals use the social media for communication due to reliability and convenience.

5. In other advanced countries such as Canada, Japan, and Norway gun laws are implemented to ensure that illegal use of firearms is prohibited in the country. As such, the murder rates rapidly decline. It is relatively lower than in the United States. Moreover, cases of robbery are approximately half the rate in the United States. Gun violence is often valid due to fear of unknown future outcomes. Therefore, there is a specific age limit set for each country to individuals without any criminal record. 

6. Gun control would help curb the issue of social evils in the society such as crime. Furthermore, it would lead to development of the county's economic status since there would be chances of attracting more tourists in the country. Their first priority is security, therefore they would assist in increasing the gross domestic product of the country.


                                                            Works cited

Nie, Norman H., Dale H. Bent, and C. Hadlai Hull. SPSS: Statistical package for the social sciences. No. HA29 S6. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.

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