Evolution and Anatomical Changes in Horses
It is possible to determine the evolution and anatomical changes seen in horses from various genera based on the research of digit reduction and horse evolution. A theory that three-toed horses are more susceptible to physiologically unsupportable bone stresses can also be deduced from the study that has been given. Due to their enhanced stability, three-toed horses experience less bone fractures than two-toed ones. Horses with three toes have a more stable standing platform thanks to the larger surface area, which also means better stabilization and support. As a result, instances of bone pressure and fracture are not easily experienced unlike in the case of the two-toed horses. Through the evolutionary digit reduction in horses, the body mass of the horse in question also increases, therefore, making it become resistant to various physical activities such as bending. The resistance to bending comes about as a result of the substantial positive internal geometry allocation which is further associated with increased stability (McHorse, Biewener and Stephanie 1).
Importance of Fossil Analysis
Devoting a study to the analysis of fossils rather than making reference to Vivo species is considered as suggestive as well as lack of real evidence to some extent. The presented fact stems from the notion that the researcher relies on the behavioral changes of species to draw a conclusion about the topic of research. Apparently, fossil analysis is not associated with the adequate mechanism of justifying the derived findings of a research, thus limiting the researcher to the suggestive pattern of the changes in behavior to generate findings. The presented fossils analysis will only allow the researcher to make comparisons based on behavioral changes to establish the relationship between the horse evolution and the digit reduction aspect.
Works Cited
McHorse, Briann, Biewener, Andrew, and Pierce, Stephanie. “Mechanics of evolutionary digit reduction in fossil horses (Equidae)”. Royal Society Publishing, 2017