Making Biogas from organic wastes

The students will need to comprehend how biogas, which is crucial for daily use, may be produced using ingredients that are readily available locally. The experiment will be straightforward because the necessary information and supplies will be gathered, and students will set up a control experiment utilizing animal feces, water, and other organic wastes.
This biogas project is delicate, thus the concerned teachers will need to provide appropriate advice. A good working environment must include both physical and chemical elements.  The room temperature must be controlled and should be constant all the time. However, all the procedures will be exclusively conducted in learners without learning impairment relating to vision and hearing. Therefore, the report writing will be based majorly on the observation made of both chemical and physical reaction.

National / State Learning Standards:

The relevant grade level standard(s) for the learners for them to comprend practical skills in the upper grade A+, A, B and finally grand C

Specific learning target(s) / objectives:

First, the learners will have to appreciate natural local materials which can be converted into useful products. Similarly, the learners will learner skills of observation of physical as well as chemical reactions from the experiment. Also the principles of decomposition of organic matters

Teaching notes:

The lesson belong to chemical reactions in which decompositions of organic matters is compared with un organic matters..


The lesson starts with the introduction of organic and non-organic matters. The key teaching activities will include physical differentiation of organic as well as the non-organic matters. Every assessmet shall take approximately one hour

Formative assessment:

First the learning assessment will be identified by the use of questions in which random question will be asked and identify specific learners to answer. This will help to determine the extent of which they have understand will. Also, various examples will be narrated and recorded for future readings

Academic Language:


Key vocabulary:


Physical changes


Chemical changes

Control experiment


English will be used as the major language to communicate ideas to learners. Simple sentences will be used to describe all specific terminologies from the start till the end of the experiment.


From the start of the experiment, only simple scientific terminologies will be used, from there will have complex ones to make learners understand scientific approaches of the topic

Instructional Materials, Equipment and Technology:

Materials will be; animal wastes, water and laboratory chemicals which enables the decomposition of manure to biogas. The technology of scientific usage of local available material shall be applied such as decomposition process.


Faster learners will be grouped together while slow leraners shall be also grouped together. This will enable teachers to identify the specific strength as well as the weakness among groups

II. Instruction

A. Opening

Prior knowledge connection:

This lesson will complement the class studies on the reactions of both the chemical and physical components. In addition, it expounds on the study of the properties of matter especially gas.

Anticipatory set:

Students will be required to assemble in the laboratory to prepare common questions which will be raised in the lesson

B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):

I Do

Students Do


The experiment will be introduced to the pupils. The set-up will be arranged by the teachers and later pupils allowed to arrange on their in the study groups. Carry out the procedures of the experiments systematically to enhance understanding of concepts to the pupils. Allow the learners to make observations during the experiment.

Initially, the pupils need to make observations on how the experiment is arranged and the outcome. Thereafter, the students should be ready to prepare their experiments based on the explanations from the teacher

Priority will be given to students with slow learning abilities. They will be encouraged to participate in the experiment by use of familiar objects such as toys. On the other hand, students who are fast learners may be used to teach the slow learners.


Summative Assessment:

The learners are assessed based knowledge on the principles of the experiment. They will be evaluated on the methodology of the experiment, observation and the ability to draw a succinct conclusion of the experiment. Participation of each pupil in the group discussion will also be important especially during the entire period of the experiment


The experiment banks on the observation of color change as well as hearing of the bursting balloons. As such, the experiment does not favor learning for pupils with hearing and visual challenges. Besides, assessment of understandings for these pupils will come with challenges..


In wrapping up the lesson, allow the pupils to brainstorm on the concept of physical and chemical reactions. To achieve these, ask questions regarding the topics learned. Allow them to ask questions on concepts not clearly understood.


Homework is part of the evaluation process to the learners. Provide homework on the examples of chemical and physical changes. The task is supposed to be done at home with the support of the guardian. The homework is part of the skill development and therefore will be assessed at the end of the term exams. Precisely, the homework is aimed at developing the observation skills of the learners. Moreover, it allows the learners to develop critical and creative skills. Therefore, a worksheet will be availed to the learners where they will do the assignments given to them.

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