Logistics in Future

The Future of Logistics and Technological Advancements

The professional area that is of interest to me is the logistics. There are a lot of changes that I feel will take place within the logistics profession. Based on the fact that there are some technological advancements which are being introduced into the field, the logistics will in future largely rely on the use of technology. This will lead to improved efficiency and reliability. One of the most important technological change that I feel will in future take over the provision of the services in the logistics is the application of warehouse robotics in the supply chain. Based on the fact that there is an increasing demand for the supply of goods and services globally, I feel that those involved in the provision of logistics services will need to incorporate the services of the robotics to enable them to meet the highly growing demands.

The Incorporation of Autonomous Road Transportation

As stated by Morvillo (21) in their study, I feel that the logistics industry will in future also incorporate the autonomous road transportation into their systems. In the last couples of years, there have been proposals for the development of autonomous vehicles which will be used to automatically transport the goods and services without the direct help of the human labor. Despite the fact that these proposals have led to the developments of different forms of ethical considerations, I believe that the industry is in need of this advancement to improve the rate of delivering goods and services to the customers. Morvillo (24) stated that the driverless vehicles could improve the rate of transporting goods and services as well as slushing the costs of production. Even though the full implementation of these technologies might take time, I believe that most of the logistics companies are a trying all means to ensure that they introduce these technologies into their systems.

Work Cited

Morvillo, Alfonso. "Trends in logistics and freight transport in Italy: implications on training needs." Training in Logistics and the Freight Transport Industry. Routledge, 2017. 17-28. Print.

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