Leadership and management in nursing

Nursing leadership demands nurture and development, which are dwindling in today's world. Because of the resilience of available nurses to take on tasks within businesses, there is a global difficulty of having all-around nursing experts. The nursing profession is currently facing issues in creating future nurse leaders. Nursing leadership entails direct patient care as well as the goal to be a positive encouragement to everyone with whom the nurse leader interacts (Laschinger, Duffield & Read, 2015). A nurse manager's primary responsibility is to foster a healthy work environment in which safe and high-quality treatment is consistently given. To thrive in today's complicated healthcare environment, a diverse set of abilities is required. This paper discusses the nurse manager professional development needs assessment.

Leadership and Management

Leadership is concerned with aligning individuals to the vision implying inspiration and motivation and buy-in and communication. It is about transformation within the organization. On the other hand, management refers to a set of the processes that keeps the functioning of an organization. The processes of management are planning, clarifying jobs, performance measurement, staffing, organizing, controlling and solving problem (Grohar-Murray, DiCroce & Langan, 2016).

A leader motivates and inspires while a manager plan, coordinate and organize. The manager emphasizes on structure and systems whereas the leader emphasizes on individuals within an organization. A leader is essential in encouraging and motivating employees in the work place to make an organization efficient in its operations and productive (Giltinane, 2013).

The key nursing leadership, management and communication concepts that facilitate collaboration and support interprofessional teams

The nursing leadership, management, and communication enable a synergistic influence of knowledge and skills of a group. It generates a partnership amongst the team of providers of the health care and the client in the participatory collaborative and organized approach to a shared making of a decision involving the social and health issues (Laschinger et al., 2015). The partnership generates an interprofessional team that is designed to work on the organization's common objectives to enhance patient outcomes. The collaborative interactions display a combination of professional cultures and are attained by sharing knowledge and skills to enhance the patient care quality.

The nurse leadership explores the barriers and identifies the conflicts as they emerge. It enables the nurse leaders to work collaboratively with their team members to resolve the barriers and conflicts that arise. The nurse leader needs to remain part of the organization team, sharing in the organization's work hence remaining close to the operations within the organization and understanding the perspectives of the work forces. To facilitate collaboration with the interprofessional teams, the nurse needs to mobilize all the individuals they interact with to meet the set standards (Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013). The nurse leadership and management enable the nurse leaders to show concern for the objectives and needs of the staff and team members and comprehend the conditions that affect the workplace environment. It facilitates collaboration and supports the interprofessional teams thus enhances the performance of healthcare organizations.

Leadership Self-Assessment

As a nurse leader, my personal leadership style is transformational leadership. The transformational leadership involves the guarantee that the integrated team work together and gain from the incorporation of innovativeness of an approach in the place of work (Hutchinson & Jackson, 2013). Transformational leadership influences change and provide a sense of direction. It emphasizes on the interpersonal processes amongst the nurse leader and the followers and encouraged through empowerment. An effective leader in the current competitive environment needs to utilize influence more (Laschinger et al., 2015). Transformational leadership enables me to create a supportive care milieu through influence. It is achieved through mentoring by instruction, modeling by example and building caring relationships within the organization.

Proper communication is essential in nurse leadership since it enables workers to experience the increase in morale, commitment, and productivity when they have the ability to communicate up and down the chain of communication within the organization. This enables the organization to operate effectively and be productive (Grohar-Murray et al., 2016).

Skill Development

The skills or areas for future professional development as a nurse leader necessitates having knowledge of communication, management, and teamwork skills in addition to a solid comprehension of health finance, economics and evidence centered results. These key skills should essentially be further improved through the possession of a variety of key individual's qualities that are necessary for all nurse leaders. The personal qualities comprise courage, competence, collaboration, creativity, confidence relationship management and self-awareness (Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013). The nurse leaders need to be aware of the changing milieu in the health care industry best practice and make the necessary transformations proactively. The nurse leader should display concern for the objectives and needs of the staff members and be cognizant of the conditions that affect the environment of the work to promote productivity within the organization.

Successful leadership requires training on self-assessment, techniques of responding to the needs of the team, risk taking, team building and motivating teams. The nurse manager needs to be trained on the techniques that enable efficient practices within the healthcare. The nurse manager should be well educated to meet the ever-increasing needs in the health care systems (Giltinane, 2013).


Nursing leadership needs development to attain efficiency in the environment of health care. The activities of professional development that focus on greater level of leadership competencies can aid the nurse managers become more effective in their roles that are challenging but critical. The nurses should be better equipped with the assertiveness and analytical skills since patients have become aware of their personal health needs and knows the treatment practices.


Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard, 27(41), 35-39.

Grohar-Murray, M. E., DiCroce, H. R., & Langan, J. C. (2016). Leadership and management in nursing. Pearson.

Hauck, S., Winsett, R. P., & Kuric, J. (2013). Leadership facilitation strategies to establish evidence‐based practice in an acute care hospital. Journal of advanced nursing, 69(3), 664-674.

Hutchinson, M., & Jackson, D. (2013). Transformational leadership in nursing: towards a more critical interpretation. Nursing Inquiry, 20(1), 11-22.

Laschinger, H., Duffield, C., & Read, E. (2015). Leadership and empowerment in nursing. Leadership and Nursing: Contemporary perspectives, 171.

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