Human Resource Management Problem at Apple Inc


One's thoughts immediately turn to the multibillion-dollar technology corporation and what a luxury it is to work there when Apple is brought up. The corporation, which has its headquarters in Cupertino, creates and markets devices, computer software, and internet services. Its highly valued hardware items include digital Apple TV as well as iPhones, iPads, Macbooks, iPods, and smartwatches. The MacOS and iOS operating systems, the Safari web browser, the iWork and iLife productivity suites, and online services are some of the other commodities (Dent para. 1). The brand name for the business's products is excellence. Due of this, customers have been loyal to the company. With its most valued brand, the corporation benefits from strong brand loyalty. Resultantly, Apple Inc. is the largest information technology organization by revenue, assets and the second largest in terms of manufacturing of mobile phones (Dent para. 2). Regarding market capitalization, as of 2014, the publicly traded company was valued at $ 700 billion (Dent para. 3).

Human Resource Problems at Apple Inc

Despite the huge revenue collection and its brand loyalty, Apple Inc. receives criticism on matters of labor relations with its contractors. Likewise, former employees have a dark story of the employer. With matters relating to working conditions, the human resource management comes in first as it is the department mandated to ensure the welfare of workers. With such allegations, it is imperative that the department could be experiencing some problems. This work, therefore, analyzes the human resource problem at Apple Inc in relation to a fundamental HR theory.

Personal Experience at Apple Inc

Having worked at Apple Inc. as an intern, I realized that there was a problem between the human resource management and some employees. Considering that Apple is a very secretive company, no one would be found talking to a colleague regarding what they were going through. I am a loyal customer of Apple products, and it has always been my dream to work at the prestigious company no matter the duration it would last. Having been given a chance to do my internship, was heaven sent. Being a management student, I worked in the human resource department. The company has over 90,000 employees (Hattersley para. 4). The job gave me a chance to meet some of the industrious workforces. It is when I discovered the ridge existing between the management and other workers. On Cupertino campus, everyone is busy with their schedules and tasks. One would hardly find a group relaxing and chatting during lunch break. Everyone minds their own business, and that is the policy at Apple. It is what drives the success. A lot of hard work is required to beat the challenges in the Apple's market. Sixty hours a week is the lower side of the time employees spend at the workplace. As a result, employees experience mental and physical burden. This could attribute to the suicide cases among the software engineers at the campus (Ehrenkranz para.1).

Issues with Employee Treatment

I also realized that a good number of former employees left the organization due to mental health issues. One employee at the call center reported to the human resource manager that he needed time off for a while following long hours work. To my surprise, he was denied the off. He kept working and at one time collapsed on a call. A medical examination indicated that the worker was going through depression as a result of mental health stress. Shocking still, he was fired as being unfit to work anymore. His relations with the company ended there. Following an incidence that took place in 2011 when a worker, Ben attempted suicide, any case of suicide attempts among employees was referred to as Ben-ing out (Ehrenkranz para.3). Anyone who was suspected to be in the same boat was made fun of as Ben-ing out. Apple being huge and so loved by the public, employees were hesitant to talk about the hell of the working environment. Additionally, sexual harassment cases were reported in the office by female workers, but little was done to address the behavior. In fact, in some cases, the accused were promoted, and the victims demoted or transferred to other departments indefinitely. Anonymity was not upheld; the complainant was made known to the accused. This is something that fueled enmity between the two parties. It was clear that the few women who worked in technical departments were harassed on several occasions, however, the human resource department did nothing. Discrimination cases were also reported. Abusive conversations on sexism sometimes took place in offices, but managers took no steps to end such conversations. Such incidences created a toxic office culture for females. Up and above, the company has been criticized on other forums as not the paradise as the public thinks it is. Its secrecy camouflages what workers go through to satisfy its customers. It is ironical that the firm makes huge revenues at the expense of the joy and motivation of its workforce.

Analyzing the Human Resource Problem

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, an individual's motivation is derived from meeting one's needs, level after the other (Maslow 59). As such, one progresses depending on how well the needs at each level are addressed. It starts with the basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid such as food and shelter. This is something that Apple fulfills well for all its employees; as all are paid handsomely. Having accomplished that, employees seek to be loved (through relationships and friendships), to be safe (concerning personal and job security), obtain a sense of accomplishment, that is being recognized for a job well done and finally self-actualization. On the latter, one is fulfilled with his or her works once the former are accomplished (Maslow 370). In the case where an employee feels intimidated in his position or fears for his job, he cannot focus on high more top goals. The situation robs off his peace completely affecting his work performance.

Neglected Needs at Apple Inc

In the case of Apple Inc, the social, psychological needs and favorable working conditions for employees have been neglected. In point of fact, workers are not friendly, and the respect aspect is lacking. If a given gender cannot be comfortable in their place of work due to sexism talks, abusive language, and harassment, then it means they are stuck at a certain level in the hierarchy. Moreover, the long continuous working hours means the workers are extremely exhausted. As a result, they do not attain self actualization. Their self-esteem is lowered. For instance, the woman who reported harassment case and the issue was never addressed will never be comfortable at her current workplace. She is probably considering resigning or formulating negative perceptions of her employer and the managers. It is due to the same factor that some employees decide to commit suicide due to a toxic working environment. As a matter of fact, the company does not address the psychological needs of its employees, which are the basic needs. If a manager can condone the divisive behavior and instead blame an accused for not getting used to the system, it shows the human resource department has failed. In any case, the role of the human resource managers is to motivate employees to meet a firm's financial goals within the stipulated principles.

Solutions to the Human Resource Problems

If given a chance back into the company, I will contribute to resolving the problems at hand as the issues have led to Apple losing its valuable workforce and its internal image tainted which could affect the company's overall performance in the near future. Among the solutions include upholding privacy and confidentiality in resolving disputes. I will also advocate for respect in the workplace. Any reports of discrimination and harassment should not be the basis for demotion or prevention of promotion. When abusive statements are made against someone, apologies should be issued and not yielding misunderstandings. Besides, all gender is equal; no age, race or gender should be superior in a workplace. Statements made to engender such a feeling must be dealt with visibly. Also, one's gender should never at any point affect how one is spoken to. Chiefly, neither the company nor its management should ever retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint. Instead, the complaint should be taken seriously and addressed appropriately. Clearly defined leave and off days is an employee's right and no one should be denied such. To wrap up, the code of conduct at the workplace should be revised, amended and upheld in every department.

Importance of Employee Satisfaction

People in a company should be viewed as assets rather than costs. As such, their workplace needs should be met for their comfortability. The management should look into ways of motivating their employees. In fact, the human relations theory stipulates that communication is paramount for a good manager-worker relationship. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in any workplace cannot be underestimated. Apple Inc should demonstrate its goal towards employee satisfaction and employee retention by satisfying Maslow's principles. It cannot be too concerned with making billions when the people who actualize that end up suicidal, depressed, unfulfilled and tortured psychologically. The organizational structure should, therefore, encourage employees to attain their full potential. As such, rebirthing social interactions will undoubtedly instill a sense of belonging and acknowledging accomplishments will boost employees' self-esteem.

Works Cited

Dent, Steve. Huawei passes Microsoft as thgird largest mobile phone maker. 31 July 2015. 20 April 2017 .

Ehrenkranz, Melanie. Apple employees say their mental health issues came from alleged hostile work environment. 2016. 20 April 2017 .

Hattersley, Lucy. What is it really like to work for Apple? 18 Oct 2016. 20 April 2017 .

Maslow, Abraham. "A theory ofhuman motivation." Psychological Review 50.4 (1943): 370.

—. Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper, 1954.

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