Group dynamics and conflict

In most business settings, group members need to have areas of conflict of interest, and in the most serene circumstances, the group mood can change quickly such that even near partners become hostile adversaries (Chun & Choi 2014). There are two prevalent forms of conflict in organizations, namely functional and unstable (Tjosvold, Wong & Feng Chen, 2014). Tjosvold, Wong and Feng Chen (2014) recognize that functional disputes are comparatively more positive than unstable ones. As an indication of a practical dispute, the 2016 Annual Report of the Airbus Group addressed continuing improvement in the delivery of services (""Annual Report 2016- Airbus Group"", 2017). The organization had a significant rise in commercial flight profits and innovation.
The Review of the Airbus Company
Airbus is a European multinational organization that designs, manufactures and sells civil and military aeronautical products (Lawrence & Braddon 2017). According to Lawrence and Braddon (2017), the company has two primary sections with one of the departments dealing with defense and space and another one handling the supply of helicopters on demand. The 2016 Airbus reports indicate that the organization, under the leadership of Dr.Thomas (Tom) Enders as the CEO of the Airbus Groups, has seen significant growth. Some of Enders's major achievements include the production and the development of new aircraft variants and the stabilization of the revenue growth and order intake at 66.6 billion pounds and 134.5 billion pounds respectively ("Annual Report 2016- Airbus Group", 2017). Dr.Thomas Enders as the Airbus groups CEODr.Thomas Enders assumed the office of the Airbus CEO in 2012. According to the reports, the CEO has influenced significant changes within the organization including the increase in the coverage of the Airbus commercial aircrafts. The improvement in performance influenced the net book-to-bill growth to an order ratio of above one in 2016. Another equally significant achievement is the improvemenof innovation as represented in the Corporate Technology Office (CTO) reports ("Annual Report 2016 -Airbus Group", 2017). Dr.Thomas is appreciated as a significant influence on the continued progress in the organization. ReferencesAnnual Report 2016- Airbus Group. (2017). Reports. Retrieved from, J. S., & Choi, J. N. (2014). Members’ needs, intragroup conflict, and group performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(3), 437.Lawrence, P., & Braddon, D. (2017). Strategic issues in European aerospace. Taylor & Francis.Tjosvold, D., Wong, A. S., & Feng Chen, N. Y. (2014). Constructively managing conflicts in organizations. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology. Organizational Behavior, 1(1), 545-568.

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