Friendship Communication Patterns among African American Women

Previous Research Studies

Previous research studies have focused on different patterns as well as inclinations for friendship communication between different ethnic communities.

The Focus of This Article

This article focuses on the communication of solidarity in friendships among African American women. According to the authors, there is a centrality of culture among the women from this ethnic group, which results in solidarity among members of this race. In-depth cultural values associated with this culture as well as the communicative meanings linked to each value have been discussed.

Data from a Field Experiment

Notably, this article is composed using data conducted from a field experiment which included 36 African American women. These women shared their experiences with the authors regarding their intraracial friendship communication. Based on the findings of this experiment, the authors suggest that among the most crucial functions of this type of communication is to enhance solidarity among the African American acquaintances.

Themes Critical to Solidarity

The authors propose three themes that are critical to the concept of solidarity. Friendship dichotomies enhance solidarity through the mutual exclusivity of the African American women. Black vernacular also helps improve the friendship and solidarity communication because the language tone of the African Americans is different from that of the whites. This similarity in language communication improves friendships. Finally, authentic or trustworthy communication among the women enhances solidarity communication among the population.

Significant Information Regarding Relationships

This article provides significant information regarding relationships among African American women. The use of field statistics to come up with the discussion of the findings and results of the experiment appeal to the readers' logos. Further, the authors' credibility and use of logical reasoning appeals to the readers' ethos and pathos. All in all, this article is recommended for anyone who wishes to learn about the different interaction patterns among African American women.


Hughes, P. C., " Heuman, A. N. (2006). The communication of solidarity in friendships among African American women. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 7(1), 33-41.

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