Essays on Thomas Hobbes

Global Justice

The Problem of Global Justice Thomas Nagel argues in his paper The Problem of Global Justice that global socioeconomic justice assumes a sovereign world state. The purpose of this dissertation is to question his thesis and to give specific voice to a frequent tendency in political philosophy to assign disproportionate weight...

Words: 1677

Pages: 7

John Locke (1632-1704) vs Thomas Hobbes (1558-1679)

The writings of famous philosophers Hobbes and Locke have had a significant influence on contemporary political science. The popular compact, in which the people provide the government the authority to rule, is supported by both philosophers. There are several areas where the political philosophers disagree, despite the fact that they...

Words: 3147

Pages: 12

Liberty in Leviathan from Thomas Hobbes

Thomas Hobbes and Liberalism Thomas Hobbes is a philosopher who is thought to have liberal traits, but he was also a totalitarian. By studying Hobbes' knowledge of government and justice, this essay seeks to express Hobbes as a libertarian philosopher who championed classical liberalism. Hobbes is placed in the perspective of...

Words: 1198

Pages: 5

What makes a person's life go smoothly?

The question of whether or not a person's life is going well is frequently answered in terms of the person's well-being. Because physical, mental, and emotional health are all intertwined and one problem in one area has a negative impact on the others, well-being primarily refers to a person's physical,...

Words: 1740

Pages: 7

Locke versus Hobbes

Two of the most prominent philosophers of the 17th century were John Locke (1632-1704) and Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). Their works, the Second Treatise on Government and the Leviathan, are valuable books in the field of political science, especially because they explain how and why civil society and government exist. However,...

Words: 2112

Pages: 8

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