Essays on Latin America

The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America by Stephen G. Rabe

The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America, by renowned scholar Stephen G. Rabe, provides a detailed account of what happened in Latin America during the Cold War era. The book is widely praised for its in-depth analysis and criticism of the US government's then-regional policies....

Words: 1318

Pages: 5

The Origins of Creating a Story through Magical Realism in Latin American Culture

Magical realism is a kind of narrative literature that incorporates a variety of subtly diverse notions that incorporate magical elements into real-world occurrences (López-Calvo 12). Fables, myths, and allegory that combine supernatural characteristics portrayed in a real-world setting are also included in magical realism. South America was the birthplace of...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

The novel “The Squatter and the Don”

Mara Ruiz de Burton's novel "The Squatter and the Don" Mara Ruiz de Burton's novel "The Squatter and the Don" is based on a true event about Spanish squatters and a Hispanic settler named Don Mariano who lived in San Diego County. Don is wealthy and appears to have more influence...

Words: 927

Pages: 4

Neocolonialism in Latin America

IntroductionNeocolonialism is the act of a powerful country imposing capitalism, cultural expansion, and globalization on a developing sovereign country, either directly or indirectly through military control. Impact on Latin America's Export ProfitsLatin America's export profits surged in the twentieth century as America began to spend more, resulting in people losing...

Words: 896

Pages: 4

Card Players by Fernando Botero

Card Players by Fernando Botero and Suzie Q by F. Scott Hess are two artworks that are set in entirely unique places, but each has its special rich themes. In Card Players, Botero attempts to satirically criticize the political excesses and the societal rot in his Colombian society via the...

Words: 1440

Pages: 6

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