Essays on History of The United States

Hurricane Katrina and the BP Oil Spills Federal Responses

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina happened and was the most destructive disaster in the history of the United States. The hurricane was large and strong and a catastrophic flood was associated with it. Hurricane Katrina's destruction exceeded other major disasters as the Chicago fire of 1871, Andrew in 1992 and the...

Words: 2580

Pages: 10

All in the Family TV-series

Anything in the family The TV series produced by Bud Yorkin and Norman Lear is one of the most popular situation comedy (sitcom) in American history. The TV series aired on the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) television network between January 1971 and April 1979, during which nine seasons of the series...

Words: 1527

Pages: 6

American Civil War

In the history of the United States of America, the American civil war is very important. The civil war is documented as the largest war in the history of America, where six hundred thousand of the three million warriors who fought in this war lost to the battle for independence....

Words: 2992

Pages: 11

The american Industrial revolution

The 19th century American Industrial revolution led to significant change in the way of life of the Americans and the world economy at large. Industrialization entails the process in which a society changes from an agricultural bused economy to a manufacturing based economy entity. The change brought about by the...

Words: 633

Pages: 3


To what degree are modern technical adaptations increasingly effective or weaker movements? Movement have been a core part of culture since time immemorial. They promoted social aspects like jobs, housing and government action. But in the 21st century, social and technical dimensions have been massively expanding and advancing (VOA news, you tube)....

Words: 1274

Pages: 5

American Slave Trade

The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914: Worldwide Links and Comparisons While an annotated compilation elaborates further on the subject in question, the writer's professionalism, and the broad summary of the subject, this paper reviews five different origins on the topic: How religion, politics, and economy affected American Slavery. Bayly, Christopher...

Words: 643

Pages: 3

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