Pricing and retail strategy for Dubai Aluminum Company Limited

Introduction State-owned company Dubai Aluminum Company Limited (DUBAL) manufactures and distributes aluminum-based products. For automatic applications involving engine cradles, wheel rims, subframes, and extrusion billets for building, transportation, forging, and industrial uses, DUBAL provides foundry alloys. DUBAL also offers a variety of aluminum components used in the aerospace industry, as well...

Words: 621

Pages: 3

Dubai Aluminum Company Limited Pricing and Retail Strategy

Aluminum goods are smelted and supplied by Dubai Aluminum Company Limited. For automatic applications involving engine cradles, wheel rims, subframes, and extrusion billets for building, transportation, forging, and industrial uses, DUBAL provides the foundry alloys. Additionally, DUBAL produces aluminum products used in the production of computer hard drives, capacitors, memory,...

Words: 588

Pages: 3

The Best Places to Visit in Dubai

In the 18th century, Dubai began as a small fishing village and soon became an important center for pearl-diving. In the early 20th century, the ruling family encouraged further expansion by reducing taxes on foreign merchants. In the late 20th century, Dubai benefited from modest oil wealth and channeled the surplus into...

Words: 597

Pages: 3

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