Essays on Astronomy

Causes of Challenger and Apollo 13 Disasters

Major disasters such as Challenger or Apollo 13 had one cause, there were not several causes that led to them.             True – On both occasions, warning signals to prevent the launch were neglected. Question 2 My receiver get 1/4th the power of what was transmitted from Earth, how many dB is that? P (dBW)...

Words: 2203

Pages: 9

Orbital Mechanics

Radius at 200 km altitude is (6378+200)*103m = 6578*103m b) At 35786 km Solution Radius = (35786+6378)*103 = 42164*103m Question 2: Calculation of a Hohmann Transfer a) Drawing of an Orbit b)...

Words: 95

Pages: 1

Evidence of the Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang theory is a model that explains how the universe and the matter within it was formed from a cosmic singularity. This model posits that in over thirteen billion years since the formation of the universe, it has expanded from a tiny yet dense and hot primordial fireball...

Words: 604

Pages: 3

Why the US Government Should Continue to Fund NASA

The Issue of Budget Allocations and the Government The issue of budget allocations and the government is always a hot topic for discussion. But what if the budget allocations fall on NASA and their space exploration programs? Is it still worth it? Some people would argue that the country can better...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6

Benefits of Space Programs

Exploration and Technological Progress One of the fundamental reasons for living is exploration. Humans are known to value exploration and new discoveries; hence, the constant adoption of novel technologies. It is the desire to discover new things that led to the knowledge regarding other planets, space, and the moon among other...

Words: 1227

Pages: 5

Alternative to the Replacement of Mercury from Phone Displays

A complex mixture of several hundred of materials is used in the electronic devices. For example, a mobile phone contains about five hundred to one thousand such components. Several of these are made of toxic heavy metals such as mercury. Mercury is used in the devices of lighting in flat...

Words: 1149

Pages: 5

The Role of Falcon Heavy in Defense Department

The launch of the Falcon Heavy The launch of the Falcon Heavy has been received with excitement because it is clear indication that SpaceX is staying ahead of others when it comes to coming up with the best rockets. The defense department is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this great...

Words: 337

Pages: 2

Race to Space

Armstrong's Famous Words: "One Small Step for a Man, One Big Step for Mankind" Armstrong said, "One small step for a man, one big step for mankind," at a time when people had lofty aspirations, pondered profound visions, and achieved some of the dreams that many saw as impossibilities, like setting...

Words: 672

Pages: 3

Reflections on Plato's Symposium, Phaedrus, and Lysis

People will not cease striving to make their planet a better one, even if they appear uninterested in doing so. Humans, on the other hand, are unsure of what constitutes their best or worst performance or scale measurement. Socrates highlights the human confusion of desires notions to be ideal and...

Words: 1569

Pages: 6

The Junkyard Planet

One of the principles promoted by the junkyard planet is the preservation of the environment and prevention from dangerous risks. The globe is strewn with dangerous materials, and the items are recycled to protect people from the various effects of the elements, according to the book ( page 2). An...

Words: 622

Pages: 3

Neptune - A Planet in Our Solar System That is Often Overlooked

Neptune is a planet in our Solar System that is often overlooked. It is a very large and interesting planet that has many mysteries and secrets that are worth learning about.Discovery of Neptune Neptune was discovered in 1846 when astronomers performed orbit calculations for Uranus and realized that the planetary orbit...

Words: 504

Pages: 2

Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion and NASA

An organization's ability to handle a crisis can be significantly impacted by effective crisis communication tactics. Agencies struggle to find ways to communicate both internally and externally in the absence of a crisis communication plan that is effective. An organization's reputation may be significantly impacted by how it responds to...

Words: 2812

Pages: 11

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