Field Experience and Practicum Lesson Observation Log

Non-certified teachers complete a total of 15 logs
Certified teachers complete a total of 8 logs
Student Name:
Touro Student ID:
Date:Class: Grade: 5th grade
Subject: Math
Type of Class (General/ Special Ed/Inclusion):
Lesson Topic: Dividing Whole Numbers, multiples of 10
Cooperating Teacher:
Students will be able to understand that dividing a whole number in multiples of ten is easy by searching for a pattern in the numbers and crossing off matching zeros to complete the division. Non-crossed off zeros in division are used in the final answer after division, which students would be able to remember.
Applicable Common Core Learning Standard: 5.NBT.A.1
Students to comprehend why division procedures work based on the properties of operation.

Link with Prior Knowledge:

In the previous topic, students had practiced how to identify and label whole units and non-unit fractions. The teacher had given them a test to check their understanding of how to identify and label whole units and simple calculations involving non-unit fractions. Identifying whole units provides a foundation for this course that deals with unit fractions.

Key Vocabulary: whole numbers: are numbers without decimal points

Remainder: is the integer left over after dividing a number with another

Materials: Pencil, plain A4 paper, manila paper, scissors, crayons, eraser, apple, oranges and classroom worksheet.

Motivation: before starting the lesson, the teacher conducts a chorus where kids sing while they move around in a circle. The chorus has some parts where the girls sing alone and boys the same. After the song, they sit and discuss the gender that sang best through analysis of their voices. The teacher then introduces a division of whole numbers and explains the key terms. He gives examples and divides the class into groups to tackle several challenges. When they finish, he marks the answers and requests the class to clap for the winning groups telling them Well done! Well done!” This public recognition enhances participation. The students get to carry the shaded manila paper home to show their parents and friends at the end of the lesson.

Lesson Plan Procedures: students use oranges and pieces of manila papers to learn division. Each enjoys cutting the manila paper into small pieces, which they refer to as my portion as they use them to conduct division. They use oranges as the dividing integers. In each group, for example, the take two oranges and place them opposite each other. They follow by equally dividing ten pieces of the paper to the two oranges and last count the number of pieces each got.

Medial Summary: the teacher writes on the blackboard twelve divided by five. He draws twelve pieces of manila paper and five oranges placed in different points. He then instructs the students to divide their twelve pieces to five then write the answer of how each orange has and the remainder they have at hands. He goes round marking where he put a tick to correct answers and comments V. Good and takes time to explain to those who do not get the concept.

Differentiated Instruction: the teacher engages students with oral questions, which help them, understand real-life application of division of whole numbers. For example, he asks, 30 pupils reported to class one this year. They were divided into three streams. How many pupils did each stream have? The teacher then provides manila paper pieces and three oranges. Students perform the division and get correct answers.

Opportunities for Practice: the teacher provides A4 papers to groups of three students and instructs them to draw pieces of ten manila papers then two oranges and perform the allocation on the drawing. They then pronounce the results they get from each division they perform. After the exercise, the teacher gives the students homework.

Final Summary: in summary of the lesson, the teacher engages students in a question and answers session where he asks queries related to the division of whole numbers and has a student answering while standing up. Before the lesson ends, the teacher calls upon volunteers to come and explain what they learned the lesson.

Assessment: The teacher collects all the classroom worksheets the students have been working on for further marking and assessment of each student’s performance during the class to assess their understanding of division. The teacher will also be able to evaluate each student’s comprehension of the subject from collecting and marking their homework in the next class.

Classroom Management: all the students were engaged in cutting the pieces and dividing them into various numbers. The teacher had one of the students as their leader to organize in collecting all the materials they were using during the lesson. The leader ensured that after the lesson, all cuttings and wastes were deposited in the right place hence helping the learners to learn how to be responsible and organized.

Attention to Multicultural Issues: there were set rules at the beginning of the lesson by the teachers to ensure the lesson runs smoothly. One was involvement of all students in the class activities during the lesson, which gave room to inclusivity. Students were paired into three, and there was a change of partners for each exercise for the maximum mingling of students from different cultures.

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