Counseling for mental wellbeing is a major procedure that is applicable to a diverse spectrum of patient services and facilities. There is also a wide variety of needs for practice by adults, the elderly, young women, adolescents, and infants. Demographics have a lot to do with research and include systematic trials directed at multiple patients with diverse criteria and variables. Evidence-based mental wellbeing therapy practice draws on several factors and themes that are present within the field and operate through larger population populations to alleviate and eliminate the disorder.
Need for More Evidence-based Practice
The need for mental health counseling is growing and although more remains to be done significant strides have been made in the profession. Dynamic psychotherapy (DT) although widely practiced has very few and limited recorded success. The dynamics and vast nature of control conditions for specific mental health disorders have limited the effectiveness of the study and has made meeting the needs of different psychological illnesses (Connolly Gibbons et al., 2016). Other studies have also identified the need for further psychological therapies for youth with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as depression following a conflict. Over the years controlled randomized evidence-based trials addressing the needs of the population have been established. However, studies are required to grasp the nature of mental illnesses and their relation to depression and the timing of interventions (Meiser-Stedman, & Allen, 2017). For example, people with severe mental illnesses have seen the rise of mobile technology in community mental health settings. Mental health counseling has also identified the significance of time commonly referred to as protected engagement time between health practitioners and patients. Intervention is an important aspect towards preventing and mitigating mental conditions and it ought to be constructed with all variables regarding the interaction between patients and counselors.Varying VariablesMental health counseling involves a wide number of variables towards developing better interventions. Demographics is one of the fundamental variables towards the study and includes, age, race, gender, economic dispositions and community settings among other things. For example, with regards to mobile therapy, the use and tendency of people to embrace the use of Smartphone technology are helpful towards developing long-lasting interventions for patients with mental illnesses. This helps in including the reduction of cost barriers that hinder ownership of such technologies in different populations (Glick, Druss, Pina, Lally, & Conde, 2015). With regards to (PET) concept of psychological counseling detailed information on medical staffers, practitioners and patients are essential towards understanding the views and concepts of counseling (Nolan et al., 2016).Exposure to conflict also limits studies control conditions. Conflicts involve various number traumas including bombardment, displacement, sexual violence, and forced conscription. Dispositions to different types of conflicts warrants rigorous and effective response from mental health professionals, however, concerns are still present on how intervention can be effective while at the same time recognizing the lack of resources and support to comprehend the extent of the illness fully (Goldbeck, Muche, Sachser, Tutus, & Rosner, 2016).Low capacity to patient consent also limits the findings and success of trials within different studies. Although patients might be willing to participate in studies, relatives and other supportive structures are hard to control. Furthermore, participatory institutions irregular functioning interrupt study cohort assessment thus requiring planning and efficient oversight.Existing Literature CritiqueMental Health counseling needs to be an interdisciplinary approach which incorporates a wide number of variables, study designs, and methodologies to help develop evidence-based practices and interventions. The literature also exposes some common flaws within the field such as irregular cohort assessment and distribution, economic limitations and their influence on the profession, as well as, the effectiveness of different interventions. Research findings from previous researches and the composition of the research teams add value to the studies presented. Key members of various teams are experienced and have conducted previous studies within the field to add credibility and improve previous works recorded. Additionally, concerning research methods, the studies have incorporated both qualitative and quantitative study methods to minimize shortcomings and maximize the efficiency of the results. The collection of data and its analysis across a wider spectrum is crucial towards the development effective models. Meeting the specified cohort factors such as the number of group members with the predetermined factors for satisfactory mental illness is a hard objective to meet, and the studies have highlighted this as a limiting factor. Although the research findings are helpful in meeting major mental health counseling paradigms, they also fall short of achieving study efficiency. Also, mental health counseling is a diversified profession that is complex and involves different variables. Capturing the essence of the study, therefore, requires the inclusion of some factors missing such as a critical look at the types of intervention models and specification of demographic factors to narrow down findings and limit duplication of results. ReferencesConnolly Gibbons, M., Gallop, R., Thompson, D., Luther, D., Crits-Christoph, K., & Jacobs, J. et al. (2016). Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy and Dynamic Psychotherapy for Major Depressive Disorder in a Community Mental Health Setting. JAMA Psychiatry, 73(9), 904., G., Druss, B., Pina, J., Lally, C., & Conde, M. (2015). Use of mobile technology in a community mental health setting. Journal Of Telemedicine And Telecare, 22(7), 430-435., L., Muche, R., Sachser, C., Tutus, D., & Rosner, R. (2016). Effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Eight German Mental Health Clinics. Psychotherapy And Psychosomatics, 85(3), 159-170., R., & Allen, L. (2017). Start as you mean to carry on: the emerging evidence base for the treatment of conflict-related mental health difficulties in children and adolescents. The British Journal Of Psychiatry, 210(4), 243-244., F., Fox, C., Cheston, R., Turner, D., Clark, A., & Dodd, E. et al. (2016). A feasibility study comparing UK older adult mental health inpatient wards which use protected engagement time with other wards which do not: study protocol. Pilot And Feasibility Studies, 2(1).
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