Effective scholastic writing requires good punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Without proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, writers cannot communicate ideas to their readers accurately. In particular, it is significant to avoid syntactical and grammatical errors so that a writer cannot confuse the reader. Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors can change the...
Words: 322
Pages: 2
Theravada Buddhism which in modern is predominant as compared to the other form of Buddhism called Mahayana. The other major factor is marriage among the people practicing Buddhism and non-Buddhist. This factor of marriage is also tied to the gradual cultural assimilation by new settler (that is the Buddhist missionaries)....
Words: 478
Pages: 2
A psychologist argues that different people have the different characteristics and attributes. These characteristics involve the personal interests, skills personality types, and values. Every person has different personal interests, and it is proven that even the identical twins cannot rhyme in this personal characteristics (Smith at el pg3). A focus...
Words: 942
Pages: 4