Effective Scholastic Writing

Effective scholastic writing requires good punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Without proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, writers cannot communicate ideas to their readers accurately. In particular, it is significant to avoid syntactical and grammatical errors so that a writer cannot confuse the reader. Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors can change the meaning of the content such that the reader may understand it differently (Brown). Even the smallest spelling errors, punctuation inconsistencies, and syntactical mistakes can adversely affect the writer’s credibility and reputation. In some cases, writing errors are interpreted as disrespect to the reader. That is, it appears as if the author did not take time to go through the content before presenting it to the reader. Consequently, readers may avoid reading articles from a particular writer who is prone to making grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

As a writer, I have strengths and weaknesses in my academic writing. One of my main strengths is the ability to plan my writing by first listing the ideas I intend to put down. On that note, I always come up with an outline, which is a framework or skeleton of my writing. The other strength is that I choose the words to use carefully depending on the field of writing. Moreover, I avoid writing long and complex sentences that would confuse my reader. Besides, I am authentic and always make use of transition words to signal the reader (Brown). However, although I try to improve on my weaknesses, some of them persist, but they do not adversely affect my writing. First, I am reluctant of editing my work. Second, sometimes I get confused on when to use a colon or semi-colon. Overall, I always try to proofread my work to ensure that the reader receives the correct message.

Work Cited

Brown, Amy Benson. “The importance of recognizing your strengths as a writer.” Academic Coaching and Writing, 2015, https://academiccoachingandwriting.org/academic-writing/academic-writing-blog/v-the-importance-of-recognizing-your-strengths-as-a-writer. Accessed 18 Dec. 2018.

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