David Walker and Phillis Wheatley comparison

In their fight for democracy, African Americans used a variety of strategies. It contained everything from surviving the imperial period to court battles. Furthermore, the abolitionists used various methods and instruments to express their grievances. They mainly used peaceful methods such as antislavery lectures, petitions, and literary agitation to obtain moral recognition for their actions. The actions did not depict the African American protests that were visible during the Civil War and Revolution. In this respect, several prominent abolitionists played pivotal roles in the fight for liberty. Phillis Wheatley and David Baker were among the notables. In our discussion, we would analyze some of the strategies they incorporated in their pursuits. In addition to other divergent aspects to determine who among them was the most efficient in their mission and their overall goals.

Phillis Wheatley is among the legends of 18th Century, and her legacy gets covered behind the veil of slavery. Her contributions to literature and the movement geared towards slavery abolishment are immense. She is among the few female poets of the period who had mastered the art of lyrical verse and ensured the safeguard of women on the outskirts from the social spectrum. On the other hand, David Walker was a writer plus an abolitionist who rallied for the black unity and assistance in the fight towards oppression and injustice. Both of them advocated different positions, and there was diversity in what they represented, but to some extent, similarities existed. Phillis position strongly supported and focused on the rights of women during the slavery period and the traditional concepts of Christianity she had learned. Conversely, David Walker stood on the position of anti-slavery and human transformation. He had witnessed some of the cruelest treatments advanced to slaves and thereby resulted to the rallying of blacks for unity and assistance in ending the injustices.

The two utilized different strategies in ensuring their message reached a wider audience. Walker used poems among the famously recognized is the Appeal plus hymns in his pursuit while Phillis also utilized poems a notable one being Letter to Samson Occum and also letters and elegy. In the Appeal, quotes such as “America is as much our country as it is yours---Treat us like men, and there is no danger, but we will all leave in peace (Walker).” Moreover, “If you are anxious to ascertain who I am---Know the world, that I am one of the oppressed, degraded and wretched sons of Africa, rendered so by avaricious and unmerciful, among the whites (Walker).” The quotes clearly indicate Walker’s pain of slavery and the mission he had to seek justice.

Quotes from the book Letter to Samson Occum such as, “greatly satisfied with your reasons representing Negroes” and “highly reasonable what you offer in Vindication of their natural rights,” intensify her concern on the contradiction evident in the colonial demands while at the same time uphold slavery (Phillis). Both of the abolitionists’ points to the same goal of a need for justice for the oppressed blacks to enable them lead an ordinary life. The tone used by Walker more so in the Appeal was intense and high than that of Phillis. Walker’s manages to effectively and successfully bring about radicalization among other abolitionist’s movement and future activists. The situation thereby makes Walker’s arguments and accounts more effective than Phillis as they had a foreseeable impact in future generations.

In conclusion, both Phillis and Walker were crucial abolitionists in their era. They played significant roles in the quest to obtain freedom which successfully had impact in later generation inspiring revolutions and a wave of change.

Works Cited

Walker, David. "David Walker's Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World." (1995).

Wheatley, Phillis. "Letter to Samson Occom, February 11, 1774." The Collected Works of Phillis Wheatley, edited by John Shields (1988): 176-77.

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