Creating an HR Knowledge and Practices Wiki

The degree of activeness of the human resource department determines the level of success of any organization by a greater percentage. Practically every action at a forward-thinking institution is dependent on how well the department has organized the work schedules. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the human resource department, which has crucial knowledge of each party's level of satisfaction, nurtures the status of the employee, employer, and client relationship. As a result, it is clear that the HR department works as a hub, ensuring that all actions in a given business unit are carried out in a specific chronological order. Hence, this wiki aims at highlighting the specific issues which the HR addresses in a given workplace and the practical applications of the practices in the changing business world.

Compensation Packages

The benefits and the compensation package strategy is one of the major issues which the HR addresses. In this perspective, the department adequately checks on the welfare of the employees. Through a thorough analysis and assessment of the benefits and compensation package, the HR department decides on the most suitable way of reciprocating the services offered by the labor force. Stewart points out that the overall state of the employees determines their diligence and morale towards their assigned assignments (Stewart, Belcourt & Snell, 2017). The author goes on to add that a lavish and suitable benefits and compensation package works to rejuvenate the state of the workers and also serves as an important channel that aids in employee retention.

Some of the employee benefits and compensation packages which the HR champions for include non-taxed salaries, individual reward tokens for the best performing employee, health and insurance compensation plan and sick leave among other benefits packages. In this case, the stakeholders are required to check on the specific issues which affect the staff directly. Biswas, an experienced business analyst, highlights that the major goal of the compensation and benefits package is to promote an acute culture of employee retention and increase the morale of the workers towards their assigned tasks (Biswas, 2013).

A practical application is evident in Saudi Arabia where the workers are provided with salaries which are not taxed. The move is advantageous as it helps to boost the working spirit of the employees and their diligence towards their work. On the other hand, the demerit of such a move is that small developing business entities cannot compete with huge firms which are already established in the global market thus the level of outsourcing also reduces thus killing young innovative minds.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is one of the roles which the human resource department is responsible for handling conflicts and thus maintaining sanity in the workplace. The implication of this concept is that the department has to act as an important mediator between the employees and the top management in a given organizational setting. Stewart describes the role of the human resource as an intermediary which ensures there is a state of balance between the employees and the officials (Stewart, Belcourt & Snell, 2017).

The implication of the statement is that the Human Resource has to check the elements of disturbance for both parties and mediate on a better ground and offer a window of compromise between the two parties thus preventing any chance of an emerging conflict. Moreover, the department can extend its arbitrary role to ensure it maintains a good relationship between the firm and the client base. A practical application in the current world is when firms decide to alter the prices of their commodities and through this, the HR steps in to ensure the client base is enlightened about the causes of the changing prices.

Handling conflicts is advantageous to the overall productivity of any company. The implementation of all the activities by the HR will be successful when there is enough funding by the management. A clear sense of understanding among all individuals in an institution is a sure recipe for the overall success of all activities they involve themselves. Additionally, conflict resolution in different stations in the workplace helps to improve productivity in all sections of the institution. The process of conflict resolution is disadvantageous in the sense that it is time-consuming and also coming up with a balanced ground for each party is very difficult.

Fostering Productivity

The Human Resource department is entrusted with the mandate of fostering productivity in a given company. The department has to outsource new expertise that will bring resounding outputs to the institution. Additionally, the department has the responsibility of finding new unexplored markets which the firm can venture. The new markets should be better than the existing ones and should be capable of bringing additional profits to the firm.

World at Work clearly explains that the Human resource has the role of exhausting all the channels of revenue collection and ensuring that all the factors of production are beneficially exhausted to guarantee huge returns in the future (WorldatWork 2015). A practical application in the current technological world is the product evolution scheme by Apple Inc. The company is one of the leading mobile brands in the current world and most of the success can be attributed to the efforts of the human resource.

Through the department, the company is able to implement the productivity increment scheme by collecting valuable data from the client base on how the products can be improved. Fostering productivity can be implemented by the department through data collection directly from the customers or checking at the purchasing trends of the products from the market. The move is beneficial as it helps to determine the flaws in the production process and also come up with products and services which specifically highlight the utility of the clients. Despite the advantages, carrying out a survey on the best products to put in the market is disadvantageous to the firms as they will require high initial capital investment and it is also cumbersome when there are divergent views from the customers.


It is evident that the human resource department is a valuable element in any prospective firm which aims to establish itself in the global market. From this perspective, it must be nurtured and fostered so that it can effectively perform its vital functions. Ever one of these functions are integrated and thus each must be performed properly or risk the entire structure being sub optimized.



Biswas, B. (2013). Compensation and benefit design: Applying finance and accounting principles to global human resource management systems. Upper Saddle River N.J: FT Press.

Stewart, E., Belcourt, M. & Snell, (2017). Essentials of managing human resources. Scarborough: Nelson Education Limited

WorldatWork. (2015). The worldatwork handbook of compensation, benefits and total rewards: A comprehensive guide for human resource professionals. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

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