Cover Letter for Administrative Assistant Position

A triumphant job hunt

A triumphant job hunt for commences with an excellent CV and a great cover letter. Thus, it is suitable for these two items to be given more weight to bring about success during the process of job hunting. In tailoring the cover letter, CV or any other document for an administrative assistant job, there are some decisions or tips which ought to be ensured for effective output. Administrative assistant position influenced what as I wrote in my cover and CV as most of the duties or responsibilities advertised suited everything I learned in college. It made my presentation easier during the interview as I was acquainted with everything asked during the interview.

Comprehending various aspects of experience

Applying for this vacancy assisted to comprehend various aspects of experience which I need to greatly develop. For instance, I learned that there is need to develop how to interact effectively with others within an office setting. Through interaction, there is an exchange of ideas which ultimately assist in job execution. I had all the qualifications needed for the job as read in the advertisement.

The major challenging component

However, the major challenging component of the project was that I had never written any cover letter before in my entire life. The cover letter has never been requested by my past employers. Thus, it was difficult for me coming with one to aid me to get an employment.

Revising the cover letter and resume

After doing my initial drafts, I had to revise both the cover letter and resume. For the CV, I had to change fonts as well as using past tense in all my sentences. Also, in the cover letter, created the letter to look more personal.

Beneficial resources

I found resource Purdue OWL and readings from RAWA online sites to be beneficial for as both resources offered me a good ground for writing a cover letter.

Feedbacks from Megan and Tiffany

The feedbacks from Megan and Tiffany concerning grammar errors assisted me in coming up with the fine work ultimately. Yes, looked at the other people’s work to assist me to come up with an excellent piece.

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