My preferred nation is China, which many people travel to for vacation. In terms of tourist attractions, China surpasses other nations. The nation takes great pleasure in its diverse and breathtaking natural treasures, as well as its magnificent architectural achievements. The nation promises a pleasant experience thanks to its enormous size, rich culture, and variety. By all measures, China is an unusual nation. Globe-class tourism destinations are abundant in the nation and are unique to no other place in the world. It is impossible to overstate how distinctive the culture of the country is from that of other countries outside of East Asia.China promises to offer an exotic trip that is fully packed with exciting adventure and experiences. The country is well-endowed with imperial places, natural sites, a diverse folk custom, rich cultural heritage just to name but a few. The tourist attractions are so diverse and spread across the country that it will take years to visit all them. The many positive cultural aspects and diversified tourist attraction makes China a preferred business destination. The large number of tourists visiting the country provides a ready market for almost all types of businesses.
B. Chinas cultural analysis
(i)Chinese Language
Chinese language is way beyond many other languages regarding complexity and symbolism. It borrows little from other languages, and if anything other countries such as Japan, Korea, and Vietnam adopt their language after China since their character and vocabulary borrow from Chinese language.There has been a growing interest in the local Chinese language. Mandarin (China’s national language) is the most widely used language on the planet with over 800 million native speakers. Mandarin is the second most used language in the world, with English taking the first place. Notably, the English language is used by approximately 1.8 billion people compared to Mandarin which is used by over 1.3 billion people at the global scene.
Learning Chinese is an essential aspect of doing business in China. Most people visiting China express interest in learning Chinese. Language is a key determinant in the promotional aspect of product mix in Chinese cultural context.
(ii)Chinese food
The Chinese cuisine is a vital part of the countries culture. The cooking culture employs a balance between color, texture, and presentation but with a distinct emphasis on fresh and seasoned ingredients. As tourist destination market and their culinary expertise stand out as an area where every visiting tourist wants to venture and have a test. Every individual who visits China whether for business or personal reasons finds Chinese food worth giving a try.
(iii)Chinese festivals
The Chinese locals celebrate different festival activities all year round. The Chinese government is actively involved in organizing tourism festivals in an attempt to make people aware of scenic locations. The approach is crucial in promoting the Chinese culture among visitors. Every feast is held in a famous place, and robust and exciting activities characterize them. Visitors to these events are treated to a whole range of local customs in a relaxed, natural environment (Ma & Lew, 2012). For instance, in January, the country holds two festive activities namely Harbin ice snow festivals and Spring Festival Flower Fair.
One of the most outstanding activities is the Huangshan Mountain International Tourist Festival. The event has been one of the most favorite among tourists from all corners of the world. The activities which can be attributed to this occasion are performances focusing on folk-custom, traditional lantern fair, calligraphy exhibition and Huangshan specialties show. The beautiful scenery at Huangshan offers inspiration to visitors as they follow the history of Anhui province and the accompanying custom of the locals closely.
Mt. Huangshan International Tourist Festival
Reference all figures
The concept of festivities promotes and increases the visibility of China in international market. The festive activities are rich in content since they embrace cultural aspect such as food, customs, and culture. The festive activities guarantees continuity since the products offered have different themes and take palace in successive years (Congcong, 2014). Festival tourism in China helps visitors to learn more about their destination, increase income to the locals and attract more tourist.
Culture differences go a long way in shaping the 4p’s in marketing strategies. Key components of culture such as language, value and customer behavior influence how marketing strategies are implemented in China. Multinational companies have become the order of the day where companies seek to expand their horizons as they become huge economically and in size. The Chinese market is different from Myanmar, and as such, managers will have to define their strategy to fit the host country culture.
Adoption and standardization are the main drivers of international marketing strategy. Standardization is one aspect that allows marketing strategy to treat each market from a unique point of view. The market mix will use same channels of distribution, prices and promotion campaigns that are similar across all markets. It is worth noting that product localization should be unique for every region. The approach calls for the marketers to understand the cultural, regional and national aspects that are typical for every market. This is important aspect that allows organizations to venture in foreign markets with success.
The culture difference between my home country and host nation is a significant factor that will determine consumer behavior towards the new product now and in the future. Regardless of the amount of resources a company employs to venture into a new market, the influence of cultural environment on product performance cannot go unnoticed. Cultural aspects determine whether a product will receive a positive or negative response in the market. For instance, if advertisement in China uses a different language other than Chinese national dialect, the product may not receive attention from locals.
The marketing strategy should be aligned to the cultural demands of the new market since it is next to impossible to isolate the cultural variable. The investing company should to the least, carry out an analysis of cultural environment, spot any differences between values and design a cross-marketing strategy.
Product standardization and adaptation strategy serve as entry strategies although both operate as two different ends. The company should be seen to lie somewhere in between and in the event come up with a proper market mix that reflects the culture of the host country, while at the same time allowing other market mix standards to take charge throughout other markets. A closer look at the effect of cultural differences on a company’s approach to new market gives insights on how marketing design and cross-marketing strategy can be made possible in a foreign market. Analysis of differences in values and other cultural aspects will allow for better understanding of consumer purchasing behaviors across different cultural backgrounds. The case is no different from my personal experience as I venture into the Chinese market as a foreigner who hails from Myanmar.
The research will focus on the integration of cross-culture and 4p marketing strategy. First and foremost, there are various components of culture that allow the phenomenon of cross culture to take place. They include customer behavior values and language. Applying Hofstede’s culture dimensions will come in handy in helping us to put into perspective the cross-culture concept (Akgun, Keskin, & Ayar, 2014). Next, an analysis of marketing standardization and adaptation along marketing mix 4ps will be the international marketing strategies of interest.
Consumer Behavior
Hofstede captures different cultural aspects such as heroes, values, rituals, and symbols that come to play while analyzing differences in culture. Values are difficult to measure since they are invisible, but they are a central issue that every marketer should understand. Understanding value differences between China and Myanmar, inferences to cultural attributes was done through asking members of Chinese community of their preferences among different alternatives. The central tendency identified the order of preferences.
C,Chinese Business culture
C.1(.i)Business Mentality
Setting the meeting
The Chinese people require a thorough preparedness before having a meeting. They expect business proposals to be ready and on hand during the meeting. The materials used in document preparation should be preferably white and black. Kind words, politeness, and a faint smile are key aspects that will keep the engagement smooth. The concept of gift is not tolerated in this part of the world. Booking a business meeting with Chinese will require one to send the topics of discussion along the company background information in advance (Rose, 2013). The Chinese people require thorough preparedness before the decide on final meeting day.
Arrival etiquette
Business meetings should be attended as per schedule since late arrival is considered rude, and as such, the action should be followed by sincere apologies. The Chinese people highly appreciate a small talk before the main meeting. Chinese people prefer strong relationship before making business commitments and this call for several meetings before the deal is sealed.
Patience is a virtue when dealing with Chinese people. They will take time before they make their final decisions which translate to extended deadlines.
Participants in a business meeting should enter the meeting room in a hierarchical order with the most senior person heading the delegation should be the first to gain entry. The business hours lie between 8:00 and 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday. Although handshakes are a common trait here, one should only wait for the Chinese people to initiate the gesture. When addressing people, their titles should be recognized.
Language and the art of conversation
Chinese people appreciate it if a visitor uses a few words in Chinese and it remains crucial if one will master a couple of words but ensure the context of usage is perfect. The aspect highlights how Chinese people care much about their language. Any negative rhetoric should be avoided since the Chinese people are sensitive about negative comments. It is advisable to avoid a blunt “No” even if one is sure he means exactly that. Issues touching on politics are a thorny issue here, and such a subject should be avoided at all cost.
Body language and movements should be well-calculated to avoid conflicts and there is need to stay calm, collected and controlled. Respect is a key value, and therefore one should exercise self-control and remain attentive all through. For instance, removing food from teeth after a meal is considered a rude affair. Card exchange during business meetings is a norm.
C.2. Business in Myanmar
The above cultural aspects are different from the ones I experience in Myanmar in some ways. For instance, in my country people in business greet each other with a handshake, but it should be noted that it is only when a businesswoman extends her hand when she should be greeted but not the other way round. A male to female contact should be avoided while in public.
Business culture
When doing business in Myanmar, patience is a necessary attribute while trust and friendship should be part of the business relationship. The first meeting will be important for parties to get to know each other while building a foundation for greater engagement. People will take time before they agree on a business matter and this calls for ones patience as the process takes root from paperwork to the final deal.
Myanmar culture embraces hospitality and openness and gifts and favors are part of the day to day interactions. It should be noted that, accepting a gift today paying the same at a later date. A successful and quick business opportunity should be done through a close friend of the person or entity you want to do business with. The photograph below illustrates how business meeting in Myanmar takes place in a relaxed environment.
Politics and business are a way of life here, and men mostly love the topic. Respect is a virtue in Myanmar and to demonstrate such when an older person enters a room; all people should stand and give a bow. Unlike the past media, freedom is taken root while public gatherings and self-expression are given a chance.
There are significant differences between Chinese and Myanmar’s business culture. Culture is a key aspect of business transactions, and failure to observe a single aspect of the same will lead to failure. A single issue like lateness in attending a business meeting which is not followed by apologies may lead to cancellation of a big business deal. Politics is not encouraged in Chinese society, and neither is the aspect of giving gifts is tolerated.
D. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
D (ii) Theoretical analysis
Hofstede’s theoretical framework gives an analysis of culture dimensions which should be used to understand cross-culture in a better way. The components of culture are language, values and consumer behavior. The concept of international marketing cannot be complete without considering cultural differences. The culture within the realms of international marketing is defined as the total sum of beliefs, values, and customs which have a direct influence on consumer tests and differences in any particular country (Alon, 2012). Every society has its way of demonstrating beliefs, values, and customs and the same is reflected in their consumer behavior in different countries.
The cultural differences come out in a several ways with each society demonstrating its uniqueness. According to Hofstede, symbols, heroes, values, and ritual are the key drivers of culture. Cultural values are invisible, and therefore they are a challenge to measure. Despite the challenge, they help marketers make informed decisions when venturing a foreign market. Marketers cannot observe values directly, but they can infer the same by interviewing members of a particular society and in the event score personal values by analyzing their preferences on different alternatives beforehand. The answers will then be exposed to a central tendency measure. The marketers may fall into the trap of assuming the values they see every other day in their home market are the same in the foreign market (Nguyen, 2017). Every society achieves order, direction, and guidance from a set of values. The concept of culture dictates the societal standards which play a central in determining how markets operate.
Language is a cultural aspect that is different for every society. Culture reflects in language, and consequently, language reflects in culture (Doole & Lowe, 2012). The Chinese language is used as a mother tongue by more people than any other language after English.
Hofstede gives an analytical view of cross-cultural aspect by developing a model of five dimensions that of a countries culture that highlight the concept of societal values. The cultural dimensions offer insights on the aspects of consumption that reflect along consumer behavior across countries. The values revolve around particular dimensions namely power distance, individualism and collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance index, long term and short term orientation and indulgence versus restraint. The dimensions are responsible for cross-cultural differences as reflected in societies belief systems and consumption patterns across the world.
Individualism (IDV) defines the relationship between individuals and other members of society. High levels of individualism in society demonstrate a low level of social integration but a high level of freedom. Low IDV on the other side is a sign of a society that is tightly integrated.
The aspect of power distance (PDI) determines the degree of inequality in society. Due to differences in physical and intellectual prowess between individuals in any society, inequalities in power and wealth emerge. Not all societies embrace inequality since there are societies which practice capitalism and others socialism. Uncertainty avoidance (UA) is a measure of how society deals with anticipated uncertainties in future. A weak UA culture reflects on a society that encourages members to learn how to face and handle uncertainties (Bergiel, Bergiel, & Upson, 2017). High levels of UA are a clear indication of a society that encourages members to beat the future.
Masculinity (MAS) defines how society links their members to stereotypes associated with males and females. The aspect of masculinity emphasizes on how members of society make efforts to pursue wealth and personal achievements. This kind of society encourages members to shine in all their endeavors by rewarding them with praise and respect. The members who fail to achieve are punished through societal approaches such as ridicule. Masculinity will influence the level of aggressiveness in members of a particular culture and turn, determine the purchasing power of the society. The LTO dimension takes place when society members are more focused in future and are willing to sacrifice short term gains. In STO, members are plan more on the present as opposed to the future. Indulgent cultures accept people to engage in personal gratifications while restrained cultures restrict members from actions that bring about happiness and leisure. The last dimension according to Hofstede is Confucian dynamism. The concept of Confucian dynamism measure culture from two dimensions that is, whether it is universalistic or particularistic.
Marketers and managers should study consumer behavior for every country to discover the differences and similarities in each of them, and in the event determine the most suitable and appropriate international marketing strategies to apply. A blind market entry that fails to consider cultural differences will be detrimental to the entire process of product launch. This is so because the managers will tend to apply borrowed strategies from a different cultural context.
Cultural differences between Myanmar and China (
Culture dimensions
Power distance
Uncertainty avoidance
Indulgence Vs. restraint
Long-term orientation vs. short-term orientation
Hofstede’s model bases its analysis on quantitative uses a scale of 0 -100. In the analysis above Myanmar and Chinese nations show enormous cultural differences in almost all dimensions apart from the concept of masculinity and uncertainty avoidance dimension. The above table will be essential for all marketers to analyze the data and understand the best marketing strategies to approach the market. Each dimension has a market weight depending on the products to be sold in the market and the target market segment. Some products are demand elastic while others are demand inelastic depending on the product in question. A company that is selling food will approach the market differently from a company engaging in airline services.
D (ii) Marketing strategy
The 4ps as an analytical tool will be crucial in offering insights to the company towards designing a strategic direction when entering the Chinese market. The market variables will help the company to reflect on the Chinese market. Adjustments are necessary at every stage of marketing, to allow for market strategy reflects the actual market design.
The price which is the amount of cash a customer gives away to get the value of a product is influenced by some factors such as competition, market share, production cost, customer perception of the value of the product among other things. Similar products in the market will increase competition and lower the price of the product.
The place is the location where customers can access a product. Location defines distribution channel. It can take shape through an online shop or mortar and brick store.
Promotion on the other side is the communication channel, and mechanism marketers employ to facilitate information flow to the potential and target customer. Promotion may include advertisements and public relations. Advertisement can be done through radio, TV, and internet while public relations include sponsorship deals, conferences, exhibitions and seminars among others.
D. (iii) Cross-culture and choice of 4Ps
Standardization and adoption will be necessary for the Chinese market, and this will be possible through globalization and localization of some cultural aspects. The new market dictates that marketing team and managers employ global strategy along localized strategies to realize product success.
Different components of national cultures give a perfect picture of how people of a particular culture will respond to a particular product design. 4Ps marketing strategy is crucial in identifying how people of in a particular culture will respond to a product. Customer purchasing behavior will be influenced by how effective communication has been done along factors such as culture and psychological factor.
Some nations have the high-context cultural environment and as such members of the society have a likelihood of sharing information across the board. For example, China as a community share similar values, and therefore we stand right to say China as a society bears high collectivism. They share a high degree of commonality as demonstrated in the cultural and food dimensions.
E. Conclusion
Marketing strategies cannot be successful in foreign markets not unless the managers involved engage their available tools to understand different marketing strategies. Investigating different cultural environments is important since it offers insights on what should be included in marketing mix strategies. Companies venturing into foreign markets research foreign markets based on analysis of cultural differences.
The Chinese culture is different from Myanmar’s, and a closer look at such differences will be important in ensuring the market strategies employed are a success. Specific cultural differences will influence the 4P strategy. Price strategy in China is subject to economic condition and customer behavior. Customer value and traditional taste will impact on Product strategy. A combination of corporate and local culture will influence promotional strategy. The advertisements in China relate to language, value, and custom all embedded together. An attempt to single out any of the three will only offer the strategy invalid. Understanding local consumer behavior through such aspects like consumer demand as highlighted by their purchasing power will be necessary for understanding promotional strategies. In real essence, a successful international marketing mix calls for an understanding of cultural differences among different nations to avoid gaps in the marketing strategies that will lead to product launch failure.
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