Comparing and Contrasting City Life to Country Life

People live in a variety of ways. Country life and city life are two distinct ways of life. The two differ in terms of housing costs, work opportunities, and the general climate. These distinctions can lead people to believe that city life is superior to country life, and vice versa. People who are born and raised in cities always wonder if their lives would be different if they were raised in the region. Others agree that the city's extremely healthy lifestyle would have many benefits. Nonetheless, others would argue that the quiet and calm environment of the countryside is much more desirable. Many people shift from the city to the country to elope from the busy environment. Similarly, farmers have sold their animals and tractors to move into the fast-paced life in the city. Of course not every big town is the same as the other nor is all areas in the countryside similar. The long-time question has afflicted many who wonder if they should reside in the country or reside in the city. There are plenty of benefits and drawbacks to selecting a way of life in either background, and careful investigation of all elements is required to make a sound decision. This paper aims to compare and contrast city life to country life from the perspectives of Bonnie Ann’s “Being Country” and “The allegory cave” by Plato. The two literary works will be used to consider the differences between the two lifestyles and finally conclude that the lifestyle in the country is a lot better and relaxed unlike the lifestyle in the city. Comparison based on Literary Works In “Being Country,” the author disputes the cultural model of life in the countryside in 1964 as it connects to others’ expectations and what is considered important by others. She is quoted saying, “I suppose the desire to go to town helped make me ambitious, and the allure of the worlds came over the radio also helped. But the rewards of growing up on a farm were far greater in many ways than life in town” (Bobbie, 2017 p 11). Based on the information found in the narrative, some individuals can connect entirely to the author’s country life, but there are those who cannot relate because they were raised in the city. Living in the countryside make some children feel as if they are missing out on something when in the real sense they are not. On the other hand, children living in the city are blocked from the reality by the modern life they lead. They spend too much time behind walls engrossed in watching TV, playing computer games and miss out of the existence of life that can only be experienced in the country. In the real sense, people living in the city miss out on reality, whereas country dwellers don’t miss out on anything real because most of what is in the town are either imagined, artificial and may have originated from the country. Some young people know nothing about their parent's childhood lives. In Bobbie Mason’s case, she was not aware of her parent's childhood lives. At eleven she failed to understand that during her parents’ time they were required to focus on farm work. Majority of children during the period of Bobbie’s parents could not afford to get an education. Therefore their parents only focused on farming for survival. Despite the different setting of country life and city life, people have to work hard in both environments to earn a living. There is a general misconception that jobs are only found in cities yet even working on the farm in the country is considered a job because it brings food to the table. However operating in the country is more fulfilling because it connects one to nature unlike in the city when workers have to brave pollutions of the town regarding noise, air and water pollution due to the crowded industries in cities. In “The Allegory of the Cave, “Plato (2010 9 12) describes the cave of the world. In the narrative, it is very dark in the cave as there is hardly any light or objects inside it. Some people are seen chained on their feet and neck, and their movement is unlimited. At the same time, another world exists outside the realm of the cave, however, between the two societies, there is a raised wall. Many people move along the wall holding a variety of things, and their shadows are seen in the world of the cave. The people in the cave are unable to lift their heads entirely hence can only observe shadows as an illusion. The author says “How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”(Plato, 2010 p 16). They believe these shadows are real yet it is just illusion in their mind. The cave offers an illustration of peoples’ lives in the city that has no freedom. People in the countryside can have the first experience of watching the birth of a new calf while city dwellers may only watch this on TV. This scenario is well depicted in “Being Country” as the author narrates the kind of life she lived in the country. On the other hand, Plato (2010) illustrates how modern technology and advancement control lifestyles of individuals who are residing in the city, making them prisoners. There is complete freedom in the lifestyle of the country unlike in the city where modern technology controls people. City dwellers are likened to the people chained in the cave. Advertisement does not only influence their lifestyles but, internet, magazines, and general media are in control of just every city life. Propaganda is used in the media to get people act in a certain way and to depict anything on the market as a necessity. Companies use false advertisement, glittering generalities, and celebrities to entice customers for their products. In the countryside, people do not place much focus on the type of clothing their wear due to the limited choices they have. However the city, people buy the latest fashion to fit in the media. People living in the town are in the cave thick and similar to the one described by Plato. While true nature and reality inspire people living in the country due to the natural environment, the city is a life full of fake and the existence of too much manipulation erases reality form people.

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Conclusion It is evident that country life and City life are two different settings. People who live in the country setting may feel that they are missing out on something because they have not experienced the other background. On the other hand, some people may be blinded and feel satisfied with the kind of life in town because it is livelier hence, fail to realize how more natural and fulfilling country life can be. The country scenario is well portrayed by Bobbie in ‘Being Country” while Plato well portrays the prison-like life of the city in the “Allegory of the cave.” The lifestyle in the country is real, a lot better and relaxed and has a lot of freedom unlike the lifestyle in the city which is artificial and manipulative with less freedom to enjoy nature. Works Cited Bobbie, A. M. Being Country. New York, N.Y., Penguin Books, 2017,. Plato. The Allegory Of The Cave. [Brea, CA], P & L Publication, 2010,.

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