China's Middle East Policy

China's Increasing Engagement with the Middle East

China has had its foreign strategy centered on strengthening economic cooperation with developed countries such as Europe and America and improving relations with her neighbors. However, Middle East has been on the periphery. Over the years, the country has struggled to create diplomatic relations with Middle East countries and has always maintained a non-interference foreign policy (Hindy, 2017). The country's recent approach has been to step up security and diplomatic engagement in the Middle East. China has focused on promoting peace talks, instead of seeking to create a sphere of influence. Moreover, it has aimed at calling parties to join the Belt and Road Initiative to build a cooperative partnership network that brings forth win-win outcomes. China, therefore, is rising into a one of a kind great power that employs fresh tactics to solve Middle East problems. The economic reach of China in the Middle East is expanding through the importation of oil and machinery, textile exportation and the Belt and Road Initiative. This initiative aims at rebuilding the Silk Road of trading routes which ran from China through Asia and the Middle East into Europe and Africa ("President Xi's Speech," 2016).

The Growing Power of China in the Middle East

The country's growing world power reflects China's rising military strength and economic prowess. The country is well-established in Asia and has a growing role in the Middle East. Its commitments and policy in the Middle East include forming regional alliances, creating trade relationships and playing a role in regional conflicts (Hindy, 2017). Figure 1 below depicts China's growth in the foreign direct investment in Middle East over the years.

China's Strategic Partnerships in the Middle East

For instance, China has focused on making Beijing, a troubled country with its Muslim population, part of the diplomatic realm to make it a mediator in talks with Iran, Arabia, and Saudi. Saudi has been China's leading source of oil imports while Saudi has relied on China's weapon sales. On the other hand, China has grown into Iran's biggest trading partner. Beijing plays a huge role in creating these successful partnerships between China and Middle East countries making China become among the short listed arms suppliers to Middle East as shown in figure 2.

Promoting Relations with the Middle East

Conclusively, China's Middle East policy will promote relations politically, socially and economically. The country's aim to develop these relations while avoiding taking part in regional disputes will promote the establishment of a forward-looking strategy that strengthens economic and political cooperation with Middle East.


Hindy, L. (2017). Arising China Eyes the Middle East. The Century Foundation.

President Xi’s Speech at Arab League Headquarters: Full Text. (2016, January 21). Xinhua//China Daily. Retrieved from

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