Challenges of Living with ADHD

“If it wasn't for my support teacher and the help and support from family, I wouldn't be where I am now studying the national award in animal management which is the same as 1 A level”


Emmah is a very jovial and motivated 18-years old girl who believes in family and social connections to be able to gain achievements. In her story, she explores the challenges she has faced in learning since she was young. Unlike other children, she knew how to learn while in her year 7. A key character that stands out in her is passion; she recalls that she has always been passionate about reading and in particular loves “Harry Potter’s books.” She also admits to being in love with Zoombini game which she played while in high school.

Emma is very appreciative which is evident from the way she praises her family and guardians. She acknowledges the help that her tutors have always provided to her. She notes, “During my high school years, I had my own support teacher. He was great to talk to, but all I really wanted to talk about was animals…” Apart from her desire to have a particular conversation, she acknowledges that her teacher was there for her. Furthermore, by admitting that she was being bullied but still managed to perform better; this is a reflection and commitment and hard work. It is, therefore, evident that with family’s support as well as help from teachers, students are able to perform well amidst their intellectual challenges.


Challenges of living with ADHD

“I really didn't like being treated differently. I think that ADHD should not affect a kid's life”


Ariel is a young boy living with ADHD. He had been diagnosed with the disease when he was in kindergarten. One of the challenges he faces is getting special treatment from those around him. He states, “I knew because my teacher would always tell me to sit down or be quiet. I was always wondering why she was giving me special attention.” The attention itself made him feel too “special” than other kids in school. He is, however, optimistic as he believes in having a brighter future. This is evident in the manner in which he advices other children, “you should not let this affect you in any way. Just be you.” Accepting his condition is a significant step of living in the society without stigmatization.

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