Cases of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United States of America versus in the United Kingdom.

This paper meets the critical writing graduate component of the course Critical Problems in Health and Human Services (insert your course name).

Letters should be written to Your Name, Cases of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United States of America vs the United Kingdom.

In terms of population and location, a brief summary of the United States of America and the United Kingdom is provided.

In-depth description of the overall health status of the United States of America’s population and United Kingdom’s population in terms of their life expectancies, the leading cause of death, infant mortality rate, the level of population growth, the age state of the population and availability of urbanization.

In-depth description of the economic development of the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The role played by economic development on the health status of both of the countries. Description of the available costs related to illness and poverty of the USA and UK populations. The roles played by both private and public expenditure on determining the health status of both of the countries.

Description of the progress of health status in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom through evaluation of whether there is an increase in the level of life expectancies.

Identification of whether there is a health belief among the people of the USA and the UK about Cardiovascular Heart Disease. Their overall perception about the disease and whether they practice health rituals or not.

Content/Main Body

The nature and magnitude of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

In-depth description of the nature and magnitude of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Clearly describing the prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries; the description is supported with statistics from reliable sources such as WHO.

The most affected group of people by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

A clear description of the most likely group of people to be affected by Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. This part will clearly describe the most vulnerable groups in terms of their age, gender, economic status and originality.

The key risk factors for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

This section will give a detailed description of the factors which lead to the development and occurrence of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. The section will help in illustrating the most common causes of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries.

The similarities of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

This section will describe the similarities such as morbidity and mortality rates, which are available in relation to the cases of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries.

The differences of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom

This section will describe the differences in terms of the morbidity and mortality rates, which are available in relation to the cases of Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries.

The economic and social consequences of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

This section will deeply describe the possible economic and social effects which are associated with the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom for example its impact on tourism and business development.

The recommendations for improvement

This section will in details describe the most appropriate priority steps that should be taken to address the impact of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. These can include different types of policies which should be developed, relevant research and investment programs.


This section will give an overall summery of the details about the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom as described in this paper.


In the recent years, there have been increased cases of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Alaska State located in the northwest and Hawaii encompassing the nation’s presence in the Pacific Ocean, with her capital city located in Washington DC which also serves as the global financial and cultural center (Jones & Russel, 2015). In the Midwest of the country is Chicago which is recognized as the center for influential architecture while on the west coast is Los Angels’ Hollywood which is known as a hub of filming industry.

According to the 2016 statics on demography, the United States of America was made of a population of 323.1 million people. The United Kingdom is an island nation located in the northwestern part of Europe (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). England which is a state in the United Kingdom has her capital city in London, a town recognized as the globally influential center for finance and culture. According to the statistics from World Bank, United Kingdom had a population of 65.64 million people in 2016.

The United States of America is among the richest countries in the world, an incident which is far from the healthiest. In the recent years, there has been an improvement in the rates of life expectancy and survival, but still, there have been cases of the Americans live shorter and encounter more injuries and disorders than the other people from other high-income countries (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). In 2017, the principal causes of death in the United States of America were heart disease, cancer stroke, and accidents, and which accounted for over 66% of the deaths.

The country is severely faced with the lowest probability of her citizens of surviving to an age of 50, but for those who manage to reach the age of 50, they do this while they are of very poor health status. According to the Census Bureau’s decimal census, the USA is growing by approximately 3.3 million per year with the largest population falling in the age bracket of 18-34. The United States of America has gradually progressed throughout in the process of urbanization over the entire year, a factor which has turned the country into an urbanized state (Jones & Russel, 2015).

According to the statistics from World Health Organization, the United Kingdom has a life expectancy at birth standing at 79/83 in the year 2017, while the probability of dying while at the age of between 15 and 60 years (per 1000 population) standing at 85/54 in the same year (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). The United Kingdom has been in the past years affected by different types of diseases which cause death to her population. Some of the principal causes of death in the United Kingdom are cancer, heart disease, strike, and lung and liver diseases.

The existence of these diseases has made the largest population in the UK to be between 45 to 55 years. The survival rate of the young ones at birth has been largely compromised since the infant mortality rate in the UK stands at 3.6 deaths per 1000 live births according to the World Health Organization’s statistics of 2016. Due to an increased number of immigration of people into the country, the level of urbanization has drastically increased over the past years.

The United Kingdom is prominent trading power and financial epicenter in Europe that is after Germany (Lui, Fernandes & McElhinney, 2014). This level of economic muscle has been achieved due to large investments in agriculture and industrialization thereby making the country’ GDP to stand at $2.44 trillion according to the World Bank statistics of 2016. The United States of America, on the other hand, has been considered as the largest and most technologically advanced economy in the world (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). The high levels of industrialization have enabled the United States of America to harvest a GDP of $15.68 trillion in the year 2016.

The advanced economic status witnessed in both of the countries has led to the advancement in the health facilities thereby increasing the level of health service delivery. Even though these facilities have been playing a central role in improving the health status of the people living in these countries, there are still increased development of different types of diseases which have been related to the general lifestyle of the population (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). These cases of development of new diseases, the governments of both the United States of America and the United Kingdom had 2016 spent $18.2 billion and 9.1% of their GDP on health-related services. In both of the countries, both the private and public organizations are involved in various activities such as public awareness on good living, initiatives which are focused on influencing quality health among their respective citizens.

In the recent years, there has been a deterioration in the levels of life expectancies in both of the countries. Different studies have been conducted to establish the main cause of the decline, but there is not yet a specific factor and are instead pointing to other factors which range from heart diseases to suicides (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). In the case of the United States of America, the Americans could expect to live for an average maximum of 78.9 years in 2016, a decrease of 0.2 from the year before. In that case, it was established that the overall rate of death had increased by 1.2%, which counted for over 86,212 more deaths than those which were recorded in 2015.

Just like in the case of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the average maximum years that her citizen could expect to live was at 83.5 years in 2016, a decrease of 0.1% as compared to the previous year which stood at 91.85 years (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Despite the availability of well-established and effective preventive mechanisms, Cardiovascular Heart Disease has been considered as the leading cause of death and disabilities. In both of the countries, there have been perceptions that the disease is mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as eating junk foods, poor body exercise and other forms of bad feeding habits.

The Nature and Magnitude of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease

Cardiovascular Heart Disease refers to a condition which involves narrow or blocked blood vessels which can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. In the same case, there are several conditions which can be considered as forms of heart disease, and they include those disorders which affect the muscles, valves or rhythm of the heart. Cardiovascular Heart Disease is currently the leading cause of death and disabilities among the people living in the United States of America and the United Kingdom (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). According to the data obtained from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the people who were diagnosed with Cardiovascular Heart Disease has in 2016 stood at 28.4 million with 11.7% of them being adults.

In that same year, the United States of America had over 15.3 million of her citizens managing to visit physicians’ offices about the diagnosis of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease that is excluding ischemic as a primary diagnosis. In that very year, 2016, 1.9 million people from the United States of America visited the various outpatient hospitals, and over 852000 people visited the hospitals with a principal hospital discharge for diagnosis with the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Due to these increased number of heart disease cases in the United States of America, the number of deaths caused by Cardiovascular Heart Disease stood at 614000 people in 2016; that is about 192.7 deaths in every 100000 people and hence making the Cardiovascular Heart Disease as the leading death factor in the United States of America.

Most of the people who are affected by this disorder are not always diagnosed until they suffer from heart attack, angina or heart failures since the disease is very difficult to detect. That is why the United States of America’s government in conjunction with the various health-based private sectors have been conducting campaigns to encourage people to keenly watch for their cardiovascular symptoms and discuss the possible concerns with their doctors.

In the United Kingdom, the Cardiovascular Heart Disease has reached epidemic proportions. This is because it is considered as the most popular grounds of death after the age of 35 years and the fastest rate of increase is in early middle age. In the United Kingdom, over 160000 people die every year from the heart and circulatory related diseases with about 67000 of them caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). Due to the increasing number of cases of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United Kingdom, over 1.6 million men and over 1 million women had been recorded to live with the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in 2016. This led to an increasing number of hospital admission with the Cardiovascular Heart Disease conditions in the United Kingdom; England recorded 404000, Scotland at 47000, Wales at 24000 and Northern Ireland at 15000.

The prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United Kingdom have made the disease to remain the leading cause of death in over the past 60 years since serious inflections of the disease were determined in the country (Jones & Russel, 2015). The prevalence of the disease in both of the countries increases with the advancement in age and always varies based on racial, ethnic, geographic distribution and socio-demographic groups.

Over 71.2 million adults in the United States of America have been recorded to have one or more forms of Cardiovascular Heart Disease while those in the United Kingdom stands at 18.3 million people (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). The increasing cases of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries have caused a worrying trend which has pushed the various governments to come up with various mechanisms for reducing its side effects. Practicing of healthy living has been in the front line as the main weapon against the prevalence and incidences of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries.

The Most Affected Group of People by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease

The existence of a difference in the prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom is a clear indication that there are certain specific factors which would put certain groups of people at higher risk of suffering from Cardiovascular Heart Disease than the others (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). In the United States of America, the number of people being affected by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease increases with the advancement in an age in both cases of the men and women.

According to the statistics from Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about four out five people whose deaths are caused by Cardiovascular Heart Disease are always at the age of 65 years and above in the United States of America, a case which is different in the United Kingdom as in that country, three out five people whose deaths are caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease are at the age of 65 years and above (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). Since the cases of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease becomes common as a person becomes older, it is always important for everyone to consider having regular medical checkups to keep tract of the conditions of their hearts.

According to the research conducted by the America Heart Association’s Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Scientific Sessions of 2013, it was developed that women who are at the age of between 18-55 years old are more likely to be unhealthy and poses poorer quality of life as compared to the men of similar age bracket before they suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Since the females’ immune systems are more compromised than those of the male counterparts, they are more likely to suffer from Cardiovascular Heart Disease than in the case of the men. The health conditions of the women are always compromised since they are in most cases exposed to different types of life-threatening conditions than men (Lui, Fernandes & McElhinney, 2014).

According to the research study conducted by the British Heart Foundation in 2014, it was established that four out of ten women are more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease as compared to the male counterparts that have Cardiovascular Heart Disease incidence of three out of ten (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). The Cardiovascular Heart Disease can develop in seven to ten years in women than in men and therefore is still considered as a major cause of death among the women, more so those who have reached their menopause stages.

According to the study conducted by National Heart Forum, it was established that the health gap between the poor and the rich have in the past years widened, more so over the past thirty years (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Poor economic background of people greatly influences them to lead an unhealthy lifestyles which make them more vulnerable to suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than the rich. In the United Kingdom, it has been established that the cases of Cardiovascular Heart Disease among the professional men and women have decreased over the past few years while those for the semi-skilled and unskilled population have increased (Lui, Fernandes & McElhinney, 2014).

In the case of the United States of America, it was also established that the poor and homeless citizens were more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than their rich counterparts since they are not able to gain access to quality health care systems and in most cases are involved in unhealthy lifestyles (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). The Cardiovascular Heart Disease is the most common cause of death among the poor people of the United States of America who is aged between 45 and 65 years and three times common among the homeless people who are of age between 25 and 44 years as compared to those of similar age bracket from the general public.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), out of the 17 million premature deaths, that is deaths under the age of 70 years, which are caused by uncommunicable disorders in 2016, 83% of the deaths were from low and middle-income people and 38% of their deaths were caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). These observations have been factored in based on the fact that these low and middle class earning people might be exposed to other risks such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia or other forms of already established diseases.

The Key Risk Factors for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease

In both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, there are very many considerable risks factors which are associated with the prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). There are some of the risks factors which can be modified while there some which cannot be modified. For example, risk factors which are associated with the family history cannot be modified while those which are linked to conditions such as high blood pressure can be modified through treatment.

It is not mandatory for a person to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease if he or she has a risk factor. It is worthy to note that the more risk factors a person has, the more likely that person will be to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease unless he or she takes the appropriate actions of modifying the risk factors for the purpose of preventing them from compromising his or her health status.

Physical inactivity can be ignored, but it is a factor which exposes a person to the high risk of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Lui, Fernandes & McElhinney, 2014). Physical activity always helps a person to increase his or her lifespan regardless of the forms of the adverse inherited factors since it helps individuals in protecting themselves from a multitude of chronic health problems, including the Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

Different studies have shown that physical inactivity of a person will increase their chances of suffering from heart diseases, including the Cardiovascular Heart Disease by 30 %. One of the most encouraging revelations by the World Health Organization is that even small increases in physical activity are linked to a significant reduction in the cases of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease, even if the person has already been affected (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016).

Tobacco smoking also plays a very vital role as a risk factor for the progress of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease among the people living in the United States of America and the United Kingdom just like it is in the case of the other parts of the world. High level of ignorance by many people have made them develop heart-related diseases (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). For example in the United States of America, the majority of the smokers do not believe that they are more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than the nonsmokers.

According to the research conducted by the World Health Organization, a person who started smoking at a young age is more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease attack than those who started smoking at an adult age (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Passive smokers and those who chew and sniff tobacco-related products are also at a high risk of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). Smoking tobacco increases the chances of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease attack since it leads to the damage of the endothelium, increases fatty deposits in the arteries, promoting clotting, and advances low-density lipoprotein cholesterols, leading to the reduction of the high-density lipoproteins and hence causing the development of Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

The type of diet which an individual takes also play a very significant role in determining whether the person will be likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease or not. According to the research conducted by the World Herat Federation, it was established that a person whose diet is made up of high saturated fats is at high risk to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than the person who feeds on diets with low-fat saturations, accompanied with plenty fresh fruits and vegetables (Lui, Fernandes & McElhinney, 2014).

Research studies have shown that fats have a strong correlation with the risk of coronary arteries and heart-related diseases such as the Cardiovascular Heart Disease. A number of the abnormal lipids present in the system of a person is directly related to the type of the food that particular person has been feeding on (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). For example, a diet which is full of saturated fats such as cheese and trans-fats which are used in cookies, fast foods and cakes can lead to high cholesterol levels in the body, a factor which is directly associated with the development of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

Consumption of alcohol is directly linked to the damage of the heart muscles and therefore increases the risk of developing Cardiovascular Heart Disease. Large consumption of alcohol at one time has been established to be responsible for over 2.5 million deaths worldwide, with 6% and 4% of the deaths being recorded in the United States of America and the United Kingdom respectively (Moodie, 2016). Too much consumption of alcohol leads to abnormal heart rhythms and high blood pressure (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). Since alcohol has large volumes of calories, it can lead to weight gain. Furthermore, it also affects the ambition of a person hence can make them find it harder to stick to their healthy eating plans, therefore promoting the development of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

An overweight person is likely to suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes, conditions which the person at high risk of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease. In this case, obesity is also considered as one of the risk factors for the development Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). Different research studies have rejected the earlier beliefs that fats were inert since they have come to establish that these fats, more commonly the intra-abdominal fats have vital impacts on the rates of metabolism within the human body. The intra-abdominal facts affect the blood pressure, the level of blood lipids and affect the ability of a person to effectively utilize the insulin which a vital resource for the production of body energy (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). In a situation whereby a person is not able to effectively utilize the insulin, he or she will develop diabetes which is a risk factor for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease.

A person who is diabetic is two to four times more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than those people without diabetes. In both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, Cardiovascular Heart Disease is the leading cause of death among people who suffer from diabetes. Diabetes can lead to uncontrolled damage of the blood vessels hence making them more vulnerable to suffer from atherosclerosis and hypertension, which are risk factors for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Moodie, 2016). According to the research conducted by the World Health Organization, it was established that people who develop diabetes at a younger age are more likely to suffer from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease as compared to those who develop diabetes while at an older age.

The similarities of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in the United States of America and the United Kingdom

The Cardiovascular Heart Disease is considered as the number one killer disease among the people who live in both the United States of America and the United Kingdom (Moodie, 2016). In the case of the United Kingdom, the results from the World Health Organization had determined that the Cardiovascular Heart Disease is responsible for about 610000 deaths every year that is one in every four deaths, in the United States of America (Moodie, 2016). Even though the number of deaths caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in the United Kingdom was much lower than those from the United States of America, the disease still claims lives of more than 160000 people every year, which accounts for about one death in every five deaths in that country.

This is a worrying trend for both of the two countries and hence they have resorted to come up with several mechanisms in conjunction with other foundations such as American Heart Association for the case of the United States of America and British Heart Foundation for the case of the United Kingdom, to educate the general public about the basics that they can apply in prevention and control of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). The increasing number of deaths as a result of the effects of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the countries have led to a reduction in the life expectancy rate in both cases.

In both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, the Cardiovascular Heart Disease causes more deaths among the older people than among the young ones. Men who are of ages above 55 years and women who are past their menopause are considered to be at high risk of suffering from this disorder (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). The high rate of an unhealthy lifestyle in both of the countries has led to the development of many types of risk factors for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease such as diabetes and obesity, hence putting the lives of their citizens at higher risk of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease as compared to the other countries around the world.

The continuous prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease have led to reduced probability of citizens from both of the countries to evade premature deaths. In the United Kingdom, the World Health Organization have established that the current life expectancy at birth stands at 80.77 in 2017, while the probability of dying while at the age of between 15 and 60 years (per 1000 population) standing at 85/54 in the same year. In a similar connection, the life expectancy of the United States of America’s citizens at birth currently stands at 79.13 in 2017.

Unhealthy lifestyle is the major considerable risk factor for the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in both of the two countries. Since those people who come from poor background are always associated with poor living standards and unhealthy lifestyles, the World Health Organization has developed that many cases of the prevalence and incidence of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease are always observed among those people who come from poor background (Moodie, 2016).

The Differences between Cardiovascular Heart Disease cases in the United States of America and the United Kingdom

In the United States of America, over 610000 people die almost every year due to the attacks from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease, which amounts to an average of about one in every four deaths (Pessoa Cavalcante & Chagas, 2016). In the case of the United Kingdom, over 160000 people die every day as a result of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease. According to the study conducted by the World Health Organization in 2015, it was established that many people who died due to the Cardiovascular Heart Disease attacks in the USA were previously suffering from diabetes while large percentage of people who died in England, one of the sovereign states of the United Kingdom, were previously suffering from obesity (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017).

In the United States of America, the rate of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease infection among the people have been identified to be varying with both race and ethnicity. According to the Center for Disease Control and Protection’s data on the Cardiovascular Heart Disease which was conducted in 2015, it was established that out of the total number of deaths caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease in that year, 15.4%, 20.2%, 20.6%, 21.8% and 22.0% of the deaths were from American Indians or Alaska Natives, Asians or Pacific Islanders, Non-Hispanic Blacks, Non-Hispanic Whites and others respectively (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017).

In the case of the United Kingdom, the World Health Organization have in their previous researches shown that even though the prevalence and incidences of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease might be influenced by the race of an individual, the originality of a person played very vital roles in determining the development of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease for example, those people who originated from England were likely to suffer from the effects of the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than those who are from Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Furthermore, in the case of the United States of America, it has been determined by the research conducted by the American Heart Association that in every five deaths caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease three women are always involved hence indicating that women more so those who are of fifty-five years and above are at high risk of suffering from the Cardiovascular Heart Disease than the men counterparts (Giannakoulas & Ntiloudi, 2017). This scenario is very much different in the case of the United States since the data from the British Heart Foundation states that I every ten deaths caused by the Cardiovascular Heart Disease, six are men and four are women. The study further indicated that as at 2016, there were over 1.6 million men and over 1 million women livi...

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