Case study of an employee being outed by a container store

Case 1: Owning up to Its Faults: The Container Store Fires Workers First
With regard to the situation, Container Store qualifies as a high-performance organization. It is the one where sales yield the highest profits. However, there are a number of factors that a company should take into account in order to get the best results, which are used as a gauge for high performance. An employee's dedication to the organization's objectives and providing the finest services to consumers, for instance, is indicated by the Container Store's employee-orientedness metric. Due to this, the Container Store sees a rise in client turnout, which results in higher sales that imply a successful performance. In addition, it is clear that the company values performance because it offers health insurance to part-timers.
Question 2.
Container Store already has one of the most effective HRM in place. Its effectiveness is evident from how the company runs its operation including employee management, customer satisfaction, hiring, remunerations and above all, from the framework that exists within the organization. From the case, emphasizing on employee satisfaction would lead to increased profits. In this regard, employees should be granted bonuses based on their overall performance in the organization. Most important, employees with unique and innovative skills should be hired. Still, promotions based on performance can raise the profits of the organization. My sentiments would not compromise the employee-first policy since they are somewhat employee centered.

Case 2. HR in Small Business: Learning to Show Appreciation at Datotel

Question 1.

Based on the information provided in this case, Datotel has focused on few job satisfaction sources. For instance, the firm has addressed employee appreciation through thank-you note and small gifts. However, if the company seeks to realize an increase in performance it has to address sources such as bonuses and promotions among other employee-oriented measures. The company should award bonuses and grant promotion based on an employee’s performance at the workplace.

Question 2.

Datotel can deploy several measures to evaluate the success of its employee retention efforts. First, the organization can evaluate its employee turnover. When the percentage employee turnover is high, it suggests the success of Datotel's employee retention efforts. Second, the company can use promotions. Also, Datotel can determine the success of its employee retention efforts by evaluating the number of new hire employees they recruit. Note that more recruits would suggest a failure of the organization's employee retention efforts.

Question 3.

Such a situation is quite sensitive and could lead to total failure of Datotel. However, as an HR consultant, I would recommend David Brown to hire a new manager. In this case, the manager should possess the required skill and one familiar with the operation of Datotel. So, promoting an employee who had shown some potentials regarding high performance, innovativeness and leadership qualities becomes a better option. In this way, efficiency and teamwork are promoted at the workplace through the existing relationship between the new managers and the workforce. As a result, the company moves forward seeking to achieve its goals and maximize its sales.

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