Case Study: Lucy

Community Centers and the Importance of Cultural Competence

Community centers are run in many areas for different reasons. This center particularly runs several programs that are tailored to meet the needs of the community members. As a result of the diversity in clientele, social workers and other employees at the community center should be culturally competent to create impact to these patients. In this regard, this paper seeks to identify and explore the client’s needs and devise intervening techniques.

Client Details


18 Years Old


Reason for Visit

Lucy is a client seeking support social and emotional support at the community center.

Theory Assessment

There are several theories and models that can be used to explore, understand and explore the client’s issues. The eco systems theory will be used in this case to examine an address Lucy’s issues. The theory was developed by the infamous scholar, Urie Brofenbrenner (Bronfenbrenner, 1992, p. 321). The scholar sought to develop a theory for understanding the development of people. He argues that development of a person reflects the effects of the environment that individuals interact with. He identified five environmental systems that impact the psychology of individuals, namely, micro-systems, meso-systems, exo-systems, macro-systems and chrono-systems.


Micro-systems refer to institutions that directly affect an individual’s development (Bronfenbrenner, 2018, p. 66). Lucy’s micro-system environment includes family and neighborhood. Lucy is a young mother, 18 years old with a four month-old baby. As a young mother, this presents a trigger for stress with an unsupportive boyfriend. Additionally, it presents a challenge since she is not financially stable to support the baby who requires an expensive feeding program. Noted as a micro-system is the neighborhood that Lucy notes as foreign to her where she has no family or friends. As a result, she feels isolated and neglected.


The second identified environment is the meso system which represents the relationship between the microsystems. Notably, the microsystems interact that impair development of positive relationships with other people (Wozniak, 2014, p. 98). For instance, the family issues possibly lead to difficulty in forming friendships with people in the neighborhood. The isolation and emotional instability develops at home as a result of the baby and the boyfriend.


Exo-systems as a third environmental system refers to the link between social settings that the individual does not actively participate. For instance, from the case study, Antonio, Lucy’s boyfriend, is enrolled at TAFE. As a result of the schooling, the environment presents difficulties that were not experienced before. For example, moving from one neighborhood to another and Antonio’s absence when he attends school interferes with the interaction between Lucy and the baby.


Macro-systems represent the cultural context in which individuals live. Lucy is Australian while her boyfriend is Italian. The difference in cultural origin presents conflict of value, beliefs and systems. Additionally, the neighborhood that they live in presents a different cultural context as opposed to what they were used to. Lastly, the scholar identifies Chrono-system as an environmental system that refers to the events that lead to transitions from an environment that an individual is used to a different one (Bronfenbrenner, 2009, p. 165). In Lucy’s case, the main transitions are into motherhood and living with her partner as opposed to her parents.

The five environmental systems interact to affect the psychological development of an individual. The theory as applied in Lucy’s case is expressed in appendix one, using an eco-map. The impact could be positive or negative (Ryan, 2001, p. 9). The theory informs this study by presenting a medium for determining causes and identifying Lucy’s issues that result from the environment.

Issues Resulting from the Environmental Systems

There are several issues that can be identified to be as a result of the environmental systems that Lucy is exposed to. The issues include abuse, emotional instability, poverty and issues that arise out of being a young mother. Firstly, abuse is felt when she receives the blame for having the baby. Moreover, Antonio’s anger outbursts are felt as abuse since he fails to embrace fatherhood and take care of the baby as he should. Poverty is proven as they can hardly afford the baby’s feeding formula. Additionally, their status of living is compromised as neither is employed meaning that they depend on other sources of income. Lastly, emotional instability and abuse are key in Lucy’s predicament. Emotional instability and abuse are clearly evidenced by the sensitivity to rejection and lack of support by Antonio (Sallis, Owen and Fisher, 2015, p. 56). Lucy feels that Antonio puts his interest before hers. For example, he is enrolled to school while Lucy is left attending to the baby, as well as blaming her for the baby. Emotional instability, when not treated, leads to disorders that impair how an individual socializes with others and reacts to circumstances.

Motherhood itself has resulted in many issues that have affected Lucy emotionally, financially, and socially. Motherhood can be classified as a microsystem in the ecosystems theory, as it results from family. Motherhood has brought out rejection that Lucy is facing. Secondly, it has led to financial struggles that include taking care of the baby and other family necessities. Additionally, it could be a reason as to why she is not continuing with school. As a result, this has led to anxiety, stress, insomnia, rejection and emotional pain (Hamamura and Septarini, 2017, p. 905). Understanding of Lucy’s problem and root cause will help in developing an intervention plan to enable her recover and feel supported and build her esteem.

Diversity/Power/Culture Factors and How They Influence Lucy’s Situation

There are several factors that influence the situation. They include, cultural diversity, intersectionality and power. Power in Lucy’s case is depicted through the baby. Firstly, cultural diversity exists since Antonio is Italian while Lucy is Australian. Conflict in cultures leads to misunderstanding in beliefs and values that inform the actions of individuals (Glover, 2004, p. 72). According to Lucy’s narration, culture does not play a significant role in her situation. Secondly, intersectionality influences the situation. Intersectionality describes manifold threats that an individual experience as a result of an overlap in the identity of an individual especially in the classes considered inferior. For instance, Lucy is an 18-year-old female and a mother; who has is currently out of school and unemployed. Lucy identifies with these factors that could lead to discrimination in the society. Intersectionality places at a disadvantageous position that could threaten her self-esteem and her being.

In addition, as a young mother, she cannot seek for employment or continue with school. As a result, time is lost that she could use to build her future and make it better. Additionally, she lives far from her family since she has to be with her partner. As a result, she does not have anyone close that she can share her problems or offer moral support.

Lastly, the baby could be the only force that brings them together. The baby needs attention from both parents to ensure that he is not affected psychologically. With an emotionally unstable mother and a father who is unavailable and unsupportive, this could affect the baby’s development.

Addressing the Situation

Having identified the situations that Lucy faces and the factors influencing them, help can be accorded to Lucy to help her heal and forge a new way to living. Additionally, resources can be identified that can be used to address the situation (Ungar, 2002, p. 492). There are several ways that help can be accorded to her including empowerment and counseling.

Firstly, at the community center, Lucy can be taken through counseling together with her partner. Counseling aims at creating awareness and helping the affected understand their problem and also devise ways that they can solve their issues. Moreover, it presents a platform where the couple can express their feelings towards matters affecting them freely without fear of judgment. As a result, expression offers emotional relief. Additionally, through reflection that takes place during expression, one is able to understand their problem deeply. Also, it improves one’s self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, it leads to better mental and physical health. Noted above, stress has led to sleepless nights and emotional abuse. Through counseling, these can be reduced thus improving Lucy’s overall health.

Despite the many advantages associated with counseling as therapy, there are negative impacts felt by the participants. They include guilt and that presents an opportunity for exploitation (Robbins, Chatterjee and Canda, 2006, p. 116). As a counselor, both parties should be educated on the disadvantages that could arise. As a result, they will be able to control their feelings and realize that eventually, it leads to greater benefit.

However, there are ways that can be adopted by Lucy to overcome her situation. They include meditation, which allows for reflection and understanding of the causes of their problems. Lucy can be taken through meditation to clear her mind. Meditation additionally creates peace and reduces anxiety and depression. Meditation is widely accepted among communities and religions. Company has also been appreciated as a way to help individuals cope with people. Having no friends and living far from family, Lucy can be helped make friends through socialization and interaction in community events. Friends in the neighborhood will create a favorable environment for her to live and finally help her accept that she has started a new life somewhere else (Speer, 2000, p. 55). Company will also help her restore her self-esteem and stress.

In addition to the above-mentioned ways that can be used to address Lucy’s problem, her environment presents resources that can be used (see appendix 2). Her internal resources include her mind, resilience, education and determination. Her determination is evidenced through her showing up at the community center. Wanting to get help assures of her determination to live a better life. Despite not going to college, she can use her education to get simple jobs that can help her fend for her and the child. Moreover, resilience is a great resource that she possesses that can help her get through the struggles of being a young mother (Robbins, Chatterjee and Canda, 2006, p. 113). Likewise, she has external resources that can be utilized to help her heal. The external resources include her baby, the community center and the available communication means. Her baby, Caleb, is the source of her strength and a great resource that she can use as inspiration to aid her heal and focus. In addition, there is a community center where help is accorded to people who seek support. Similarly, availability of mobile phones provides a channel of communication with her family. As a result, they can build communication and despite the distance, still feel part of the family.

Lastly, empowerment can be offered to Lucy. Empowerment is designed to increase and improve the degree of self-determination in individuals enabling them to be expressive and responsible (McKinnon, 2008, 260). Financial empowerment can be done through approaching the government to create jobs for the young mothers to enable them to fend for their children. Additionally, Antonio can be empowered to enable him to provide for his family. As a result, Lucy’s financial situation is also solved. Educating Lucy to prepare her for her future despite being a young mother. For example, with the advancement in technology, she can approach schools that offer distance learning and enroll there to further her education. Moreover, the community center can create a program that mentors young mothers and youths and equip them with skills to help them take charge of their situations. Besides, a program can be created where young mothers can leave their babies and work or go to school. The theory of empowerment by Zimmerman can be adopted to ensure favorable results from the empowerment program (Zimmerman, 2000, p. 55). The theory argues that individuals take control of their circumstances thus achieving their goals and improving the quality of their lives.


Identifying and analyzing the issues affecting an individual are critical in ensuring they develop well psychologically. Proper development ensures productivity and maximizes an individual’s potential. Young mothers should be empowered to embrace motherhood. Additionally, young fathers should as well be inspired to take care of their families to ensure proper development of their children. Community centers should be built in every community to encourage individuals to seek help and prevent issues that result from lack of help such as prolonged and critical diseases and suicide. The government should adopt community centers as a strategy of helping its citizens.


Glover, T.D., 2004. The ‘community’center and the social construction of citizenship. Leisure Sciences, 26(1), pp.63-83.

Bronfenbrenner, U., 1992. Ecological systems theory. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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Wozniak, R.H., 2014. Development in context: Acting and thinking in specific environments. Psychology Press.

Bronfenbrenner, U., 2009. The ecology of human development. Harvard university press.

Ryan, D.P.J., 2001. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. Retrieved January, 9, p.2012.

Sallis, J.F., Owen, N. and Fisher, E., 2015. Ecological models of health behavior. Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice, 5, pp.43-64.

Ungar, M., 2002. A deeper, more social ecological social work practice. Social Service Review, 76(3), pp.480-497.

Zimmerman, M.A., 2000. Empowerment theory. In Handbook of community psychology (pp. 43-63).

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Speer, P.W., 2000. Intrapersonal and interactional empowerment: Implications for theory. Journal of community psychology, 28(1), pp.51-61.

Robbins, S.P., Chatterjee, P. and Canda, E.R., 2006. Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work.

McKinnon, J., 2008. Exploring the nexus between social work and the environment. Australian Social Work, 61(3), pp.256-268.

Hamamura, T. and Septarini, B.G., 2017. Culture and self-esteem over time: A cross-temporal meta-analysis among Australians, 1978–2014. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(8), pp.904-909.


Appendix A: Geo map

Source: Author, 2018

Appendix B: Resources available to address her situation

Internal Resources

Internal resources refer to the resources readily available to Lucy that can be used to address her problem.



External Resources

External resources refer to resources from the external environment; within and surrounding which are available to Lucy that can be used to address her problem.

Source: Author, 2018

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